News & Infos & Links


Max Planck Society

Why are we doing fundamental research?


Useful Links

How to find us

IMPRS (International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Materials)

Max Planck Society


Useful YouTube Videos

How to give a talk - a recommendable lecture on how to speak by Patrick Winston

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research - YouTube Videos

Lithium Batteries: A Story of Storing

Superconductivity: Flowing in the Fast Lane

A Universal Language

The Other Infinity

Graphene: Sketches of our Future


Great Science for Everybody

MAX-WISSEN – Neugierig auf Wissenschaft


Emergency Numbers - Notfall Rufnummern

Here are the most important telephone numbers for emergency / Hier die wichtigsten Notfallnummern:

Internal numbers /  Interne Rufnummern:



Fire / Im Brandfall



Internal emergency call during working hours
Interner Notruf während regulärer Arbeitszeit



Medical Service / Betriebsärztlicher Dienst



External numbers / Externe Rufnummern:



Emergency-ambulance / Notruf-Rettungsdienst



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