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Atomic and molecular processes: an R-matrix approach

D.B. Cook
Ab initio Valence Calculations in Chemistry

Ch. Elschenbroich, A.Salzer

F. Engelke
Aufbau der Moleküle

D.B. Herschbach, J.Avery, O. Goscinski
Dimensional Scaling in Chemical Physics

D. R. Lide
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

M. Scholz, H-J. Köhler
Quantenchemie Band 3

Computer and Numerics

W. Appelt
TEX für Fortgeschrittene

U. Breymann
Einführung und professionelle Programmierung

DEC Fortran
Language Reference Manual

G. Engelen-Müllges, F. Reutter

A.C. Hearn
REDUCE - User's Manual 3.5

J.F. Kerrigan
Migrating to Fortran 90

M. Kofler, H.-G. Gräbe
Mathematica Einführung, Anwendung, Referenz

H. Kopka
LATEX - Band 1: Einführung

H. Kopka
LATEX - Band 2: Ergänzungen, 3. überarbeitete Auflage

L. Lamport
A Document Preparation System LATEX User's Guide & Reference Manuual

K.H. Müller, I. Streker
Fortran – Programmierungsanleitung

W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery
Numerical Recipes in C++ The Art of Scientific Computing - Second Edition

W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery
Numerical Recipes in C++ The Art of Scientific Computing - Vol 2

N. Schwarz
Einführung in TEX

I.M. Smith
Programming in Fortran 90

Th. Wieland
C++ Entwicklung mit Linux

R. Wonneberger
Kompaktführer LATEX


Akhiezer, Bar'yakhter, Peletminskii
Spin Waves

A. Auerbach
Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism

P. Fazekas
Lecture Notes on Electron Correlation and Magnetism

A.C. Hewson
The Kondo Problem to Heavy Fermions

C. Lacroix, P. Mendels, F. Mila
Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism

S.W. Lovesey, U. Balucani, F. Borsa, V. Tognetti
Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations

D.C. Mattis
The Theory ofMagnetism I

D.C. Matthis
The Theory of Magnetism II

G.T. Rado, H. Suhl
Magnetism Vol. I

G.T. Rado, H. Suhl
Magnetism Vol. IIB

G.T. Rado, H. Suhl
Magnetism Vol. IV

G.T. Rado, H. Suhl
Magnetism Vol. V

Ch. P. Slichter
Principles of Magnetic Resonance


M. Abramowitz / I.A. Stegun
Handbook of Mathematicl Functions

M. Abramowitz / I.A. Stegun
Pocketbook of Mathematical Functions

V. I. Arnol'd
Ordinary Differential Equations

H. Bateman
Tables of Integral Vol. I

H. Bateman
Tables of Integral Transforms Vol. II

H. Bateman
Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. I

H. Bateman
Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. II

H. Bateman
Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. III

H. Behnke F. Sommer
Theorie der analytischen Funktionen einer komplexen Veränderlichen

C.M. Bender, S.A. Orszag
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

I.N. Bronstein und K.A. Semendjajew
Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik

I.N. Bronstein und K.A. Semendjajew
TeubnerTaschenbuch der Mathematik Teil II

B. DeWitt
Supermanifolds Second Edition

N. Gershenfeld
The Nature of Mathematical Modeling

I.S. Gradshteyn/I.M. Ryzhik
Table of Integrals Series and Products

Tafeln Höherer Funktionen - Tables of higher functions

V. Mangulis
Handbook of Series for Scientists and Engineers

Y. G. Sinai
Probability Theory - An Introductory Course

Many Body & Field Theory

A.A. Abrikosov, L.P. Gorkov, I.E. Dzyaloshinski
Methods of Quantum Field Theoery in Statistical Physics

A.A. Abrikosov, L.P. Gor'kov, I.Ye Dzyaloshinskii
Quantum Field Theoretical Methods in Statistical Physics

Alexander Altland and Ben Simons
Condensed Matter Field Theory

Vladimir Anisimov, Yuri Izyumov
Electronic Strucure of Strongly Correlated Materials

P.W. Atkins
Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2nd Edition

D. Bailin, A. Love
Introduction to Gauge Field Theory

J.-P. Blaizot and G. Ripka
Quantum Theory of Finite Systems

B. Buck, V.A. MacAulay
Maximum Entropy in Action

Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems

R.M. Dreizler, E.K.U. Gross
Density Functional Theory

P.A. Egelstaff
An Introduction to the Liquid State

A.L Fetter, J.D. Walecke
Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems

K.H. Fischer, J.A. Hertz
Spin Glasses

E. Fradkin
Field Theories of Condensed Matter Systems

W. Gasser, E. Heiner, K. Elk
Greensche Funktionen in Festkörper- und Vielteilchenphysik

T. Giarmarchi
Quantum Physics in One Dimension

N. Goldenfeld
Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group

E K U Gross, E Runge, O Heinonen
Many-Particle Theory

J.P. Hansen, I.R. Mc Donald
Theory of Simple Liquids

K. Huang
Quantum Field Theory

C. Itzykson, J.-M. Drouffe
Statistical field theory Vol. 1

C. Itzykson, J.-M. Drouffe
Statistical field theory Vol. 2

L.P. Kadenoff, G. Baym
Quantum Statistical Mechanics

Michel Le Bellac
Quantum and Statistical Field Theory

Elliot H. Lieb, Daniel C. Mattis
Mathematical Physics in One Demension

V.E. Korepin, N.M. Bogoliubov, A.G. Izergin
Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions

G.D. Mahan
Many-Particle Physics

G.D. Mahan
Many-Particle Physics - Second Edition

R.D. Mattuk
A guide to Feynman diagrams in the many-body problem

B.M. McCoy and Tai Tsun Wu
The two-dimensional Ising-Model

S. Miyashita, M. Imada, H. Takayama
Computational Approaches in Condensed-Matter Physics

N. Nagaosa
Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics

N. Nagaosa
Quantum Field Theory in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems

Y. V. Nazarov, Y. M. Blanter
Quantum Transport, Introduction to Nanoscience

J.W. Negele, H. Orland
Quantum Many Particle Systems

W. Nolting
Grundkurs: Theoretische Physik

G. Rickayzen
Green's Functions and Condensed Matter

G. Rickayzen
Green's Functions and Condensed Matter (Kopie)

G. Rickayzen
Green's Functions and Condensed Matter (Kopie)

S. Sachdev
Quantum Phase Transitions

M. Salmhofer
Renormalization - An Introduction

R.L. Stratonovich
Topics in the Theory of Random Noise Vol. I

R.L. Stratonovich
Topics in the Theory of Random Noise Vol. II

U. Weiss
Quantum Dissipative Systems 2nd Ed.

F. Wilczek
Fractional Statistics and Anyon Superconductivity

A.M. Zagoskin
Quantum Theory of Many-Body Systems

J.M. Ziman
Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory

Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (2nd. Ed.)

Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (4th. Ed.)


S. Datta
Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems


M.J. Ablowitz and P.A. Clarkson
Solitons, Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Inverse Scattering

D.J. Amit
Modeling Brain Function - The world of attractor neural networks

G.L. Baker, J.P. Gollub
Chaotic Dynamics - an introduction

P.N. Butcher, D. Cotter
The Elements of Nonlinear Optics

G. Eilenberger

E.A. Jackson
Perspectives of nonlinear dynamics (1)

E.A. Jackson
Perspectives of nonlinear dynamics (2)

E. Ott
Chaos in Dynamical Systems

D. Ruelle
Zufall undChaos

G.M. Zaslavsky, R.Z. Sagdeev, D.A. Usikov and A.A. Chernikov
Weak Chaos and Quasi-Regular Patterns

PhD Thesis

Sabine Andergassen
Functional Renormalization-Group Analysis of Luttinger Liquids with Umpurities

Nikolaj Bittner
Novel Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Superconductors; Induced Superconductivity and Higgs Modes

Pietro Maria Bonetti
Long-range order, bosonic fluctuations, and pseudogap in strongly correlated electron systems

Andreas Eberlein
Functional renormalization group study of fluctuation effects in fermionic superfluids

Tilman Enss
Renormalization, Conservation Laws and Transport in Correlated Electron Systems

Roland Gersch
Symmetry breaking in interacting Fermi systems with the functional renormalization group

Karsten Held
Untersuchung korrelierter Elektronensysteme imRahmen der Dynamischen Molekularfeldtheorie

Alexander Herzog
Magnetic excitations in spin-orbital models and frustrated spin chains

Moritz Hirschmann
Topological band crossings in metals, magnets, and non-Hermitian systems

Tobias Holder
Quantum Fluctuations in Two-Dimensional Metals with Singular Forward Scattering

Eslam Khalaf
Mesoscopic Phenomena in Topological Insulators, Superconductors and Semimetals

Ludwig Klam
Unvonventional properties of non-centrosymmetric superconductors

Andreas Leonhardt
Crystalline topological semimetals: Classification and properties

Johannes Mitscherling
Electrical Conductivity in Quantum Materials

Benjamin Obert
Renormalization group analysis of order parameter fluctuations in fermionic superfluids

Raquel Queiroz
Role of disorder and interactions on the surface of topological superconductors

Julius Reiß
Renormalised Mean-Field Analysis of the 2D Hubbard Model

Daniel Rohe
Renormierungsgruppenanalyse des Hubbard-Modells in zwei Dimensionen

Wenbin Rui
From Hermitian to non-Hermitian topological phases of matter

Lukas Schwarz
Higgs Spectroscopy of Superconductors in Nonequilibrium

Philipp Strack
Renormalization group theory for fermions and order parameter fluctuations in interacting Fermi systems

Damien Terrade
Proximity Effects and Josephson Currents in Ferromagnet-Spin-Triplet Superconductors Junctions

Demetrio Vilardi
Functional renormalization group for strongly interacting Fermi systems

Yi-Feng Yang
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Manganites

Physics Textbooks

R. Balian
From Microphysics to Macrophysics, Methods and Application of Statistical Physics, Vol. I

R. Balian
From Microphysics to Macrophysics, Methods and Application of Statistical Physics, Vol. I

B. Becker
Theorie der Wärme

S. Coleman
Aspects of Symmetry - Selected Erice lectures

K. Huang
Statistical Mechanics

R. Kubo

R. Kubo
Statistical Mechanics

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band I Mechanik

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik Band II Klassische Feldtheorie

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band III Quanten-Mechanik

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band IVa Relativistische Quantentheorie

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band IVb Relativistische Quantentheorie

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band V Statistische Physik

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band VI Hydrodynamik

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band VII Elastizitätstheorie

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, Band VIII Elektrodynamik der Kontinua

E. Lüscher
Experimental Physik I, 1. Teil

E. Lüscher
Experimental Physik III, 1. Teil

E. Lüscher
Experimental Physik III, 2. Teil

Ch. Kittel
Introduction to Solid State Physics (7. Edition)

M.Plischke, B. Bergersen
Equilibrium Statistical Physics

U. Scherz

F. Schwabl
Quantenmechanik für Fortgeschrittene

R. L. Stratonovich
Nonlinear Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics I

M. Tinkham
Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics


W.L. Bontsch-Brujewitsch, I.P. Swjagin, I.W. Karpenko, A.G. Mironow
Aufgabensammlung zur Halbleiterphysik

T. Chakraborty, P. Pietiläinen
The Quantum Hall Effects

John H. Davis
The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors

Solid State Physics

N.W. Ashcroft, N.D. Mermin
Solid State Phys

Bergmann – Schaefer
Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik - Band 6 – Festkörper

Quantum Theory of the Solid State, Part A

J. Callaway
Quantum Theory of the Solid State, Part B

P.M. Chaikin, T.C. Lubensky
Principles of condensed matter physics

J.F. Cochran, R.R. Haering
Solid State Physics

R.H. Enns, R.R. Haering
Modern Solid State Physics

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Komplexe Systeme zwischen Atom und Festkörper – Vorlesungsmanuskripte

J.C. Fuggle, J.E. Inglesfield
Unoccupied Electronic States

T. Fujiwara, T. Ogawa

P. Fulde
Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids

P. Fulde
Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids

P. Fulde
Elctron Correlations in Molecules and Solids, Second Edition (Paperback)

E.S.R. Gopel
Statistical Mechanics and Properties of Matter

W. Jones and N.M. March
Theoretical Solid State Physics Vol. 1

W. Jones and N.M. March
Theoretical Solid State Physics Vol. 2

Ch. Kittel
Quantentheorie der Festkörper

Ch. Kittel
Einführung in die Festkörperphysik (4. Aufl.)

Ch. Kittel
Einführung in die Festkörperphysik (12. Aufl.)

R.S. Knox
Theory of Excitons

H. Köppel, D. R. Yarkony, H. Barentzen
The Jahn-Teller Effect

M. Lax
Symmetry Principles in Solid State and Molecular Physics

G.D. Mahan, W.L. Roth
Superionic Conductors

A.A. Maradudin, E.W. Montroll, G.H. Weiss, I.P. Ipatova
Theory of Lattice Dynamics in the Harmonic Approximation

G. Morandi, P. Sodano, A. Tagliacozzo, V. Tognetti
Field Theories for Low-Dimensional Condensed Matter Systems

D. Pines
Elementary Excitations in Solids

H.F. Schaefer
Methods of Electronic Structure Theory

Louis R. Velle
New Topics in Condensed Matter Research

J.M Ziman
The Physics of Metals 1. Electrons


W. Buckel

F. Chilton

B. Kossowsky, B. Raveau, D. Wohlleben, S.K. Patapis
NATO ASI Series, Physics and Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors

R.D. Parks
Superconductivity Vol. I

R.D. Parks
Superconductivity Vol. II

N.M. Plakida
High Temperature Superconductivity, Experiment and Theory

G. Reiter, P. Horsch, G.C. Psaltakis
NATO ASI Series, Dynamics of Magnetic Fluctuations in High-Temperature Superconductors

D. Saint-James, E.J. Thomas, G. Sarma
Type II Superconductivity

J.R. Schrieffer
Theory of Superconductivity

D.R. Tilley and J. Tilley
Superfluidity and Superconductivity

D.R. Tilley and J. Tilley
Superfluidity and Superconductivity

M. Tinkham
Introduction to Superconductivity (Second Edition)

M. Tinkham
Introduction to Superconductivity (Second Edition)

D. Vollhardt, P. Wölfle
The Superfluid Phases of Helium 3


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