Powder Diffraction Beamlines

Synchrotron and neutron powder diffraction beamlines at least partly dedicated to powder diffraction

Synchrotron powder diffraction beamlines (at least partly dedicated to powder diffraction)

Synchrotron high pressure powder diffraction beamlines

Neutron powder diffraction beamlines

  • ISIS, RAL, Didcot UK:
    HRPD, high resolution
    GEM , high intensity, medium resolution
    POLARIS,  medium resolution
    ENGIN-X, stress-strain engineering machine
    PEARL, high pressure
    IRIS, long wavelength
    OSIRIS, long wavelength
  • ILL, Grenoble France:
    D1A high-resolution 2-axis diffractometer
    D1B 2-axis diffractometer (CRG)
    D2B high-resolution 2-axis diffractometer
    D4 diffractometer for liquids and amorphous substances
    D20: high-flux 2-axis diffractometer
  • National Research Council Canada, Ottawa Canada:
    C2 High Resolution Powder Diffractometer
  • NIST, Gaithersburg USA:
  • Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Dubna Russia:
    HRFD High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer
  • Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen Switerland:
  • Ansto, Lucas Heights Australia:
    ECHIDNA- High-Resolution Powder Diffractometer
    WOMBAT- High-Intensity Powder Diffractometer
  • HZB, Berlin Geramny
    E2 Flat-Cone and Powder Diffractometer
    E9 Fine-Resolution Powder Diffractometer
  • FRM II, München Germany
    Spodi Powder Diffractometer

Lists of neutron facilities

Lists of Synchrotron facilities

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