Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction
Bruker AXS Smart APEX I:
- Three circle diffractometer with molybdenum X-ray tube.
- High sensitive 4k Chip: Maximum 2theta 78° / single frame.
- Measuring range: Maximum 2theta 150°.
- Low temperature device: Cryostream Plus, Oxford Cryosystems, temperature range 80 - 500 K.
- Software for evaluation and analysis of any kind of twinned crystals.
Bruker AXS Smart APEX II + Incoatec IµS:
- Three circle diffractometer with conventional X-ray tube
(Mo) and Incoatec Microfocus Source IµS (Cu), changeable use. - High sensitive 4k Chip: Maximum 2theta 78° / single frame.
- Measuring range: Maximum 2theta 145° (Cu), 120° (Mo).
- Low temperature device: N-Helix, Oxford Cryosystems, temperature range 28 - 300 K.
- Video system for precise measuring of crystals (numerical absorption correction).
- Software for evaluation and analysis of modulated structures (commensurable and incommensurable).
Structural characterisation of new compounds with the help of X-ray diffraction methods on single crystals: Measurements of samples sensitive to air and moisture. Low temperature investigations for analysis of phase transitions, structure determination of temperature sensitive compounds, investigation of aperiodic structures and complex twinned crystals.