Inelastic interactions of electrons with the optical density of states results in some resonances in the low loss regime of electron energy-loss spectra (EELS). How are the electrons coupled to several modes of the nanostructures? How large are the contributions of the different mechanisms of radiation, such as Larmor radiation, transition radiation, and Cherenkov radiation, to the EELS or cathodoluminescence spectra? How much recoil does the electron receive, due to the interaction with its self-field? How can the self-inertia or the radiation resistance of the electrons be overcome in the design of efficient electron-driven photon-sources? These are all questions that we would like to answer with our theoretical methods, within the research area of electron and electromagnetic field interactions.
In a further step, considering the various methods existing in optical spectroscopy, we study the advantages of a conjugate set-up of electron and optical spectroscopy. Our aim is to propose methodologies to improve the mutual coherence of the electrons and photons, in order to enhance the time resolution in the time-resolved electron spectroscopy technique.