Quantum Materials

The quantum properties of materials with strongly correlated electrons can give rise to a number of peculiar electronic phases, including superconductivity, unconventional magnetism, or materials with non-trivial topologies. We are interested in developing materials with enhanced transport, optical and magnetic properties with a special focus on understanding the effects of dimensionality on the quantum behavior of solids. Examples include 2D materials displaying quantum spin liquid behavior, and layered Dirac semimetals hosting exotic electronic phases. Ultimately, we aim at harvesting non-trivial band topology for applications in catalysis and beyond.


Key Publications

Utilizing Chemical Intuition in the Search for New Quantum Materials
T. Scholz, B.V. Lotsch
ACS Cent. Sci. 2019, 5, 750–752. Article

Tunable Weyl and Dirac states in the nonsymmorphic compound CeSbTe
L.M. Schoop, A. Topp, J. Lippmann, F. Orlandi, L. Müchler, M.G. Vergniory, Y. Sun, A.W. Rost, V. Duppel, M. Krivenkov, S. Sheoran, P. Manuel, A. Varykhalov, B. Yan, R.K. Kremer, C.R. Ast, B.V. Lotsch
Sci. Adv. 2018, 4, eaar2317. Article

Chemical Principles of Topological Semimetals
L.M. Schoop, F. Pielnhofer, B.V. Lotsch
Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 3155–3176. Article

Surface floating 2D bands in layered nonsymmorphic semimetals: ZrSiS and related compounds
A. Topp, R. Queiroz, A. Grüneis, L. Müchler, A. Rost, A. Varykhalov, D. Marchenko, M. Krivenkov, F. Rodolakis, J.L. McChesney, B.V. Lotsch, L.M. Schoop, C.R. Ast
Phys. Rev. X 2017, 7, 041073. Article

Non-symmorphic band degeneracy at the Fermi level in ZrSiTe
A. Topp, J.M. Lippmann, A. Varykhalov, V. Duppel, B.V.  , C.R. Ast, L.M. Schoop
New J. Phys. 2016, 18, 125014. Article

Dirac cone protected by non-symmorphic symmetry and 3D dirac line node in ZrSiS
L.M. Schoop, M.N. Ali, C. Strasser, A. Topp, A. Varykhalov, D. Marchenko, V. Duppel, S.S.P. Parkin, B.V. Lotsch, C.R. Ast
Nat. Commun. 2016, 7, 11696. Article

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