
Dr. Sander Smink




Short biography

Sander Smink was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. He works on the development of thermal laser epitaxy, with a focus on high-quality thin films of complex oxides. His scientific career started in 2014, when he graduated cum laude from the Applied Physics program at the University of Twente. Under the supervision of Prof. Hans Hilgenkamp and Prof. Wilfred van der Wiel, he continued his work on field-effect devices based on the LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interface during his PhD. He obtained his degree cum laude in February 2019, followed by a short assignment as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Hilgenkamp. In March 2020, he joined the Department of Solid-State Quantum Electronics at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research.


Key Publications


“Mapping unit-cell thickness variations in thin films by post-deposition reflection high-energy electron diffraction”
A.E.M. Smink, Y.A. Birkhölzer, J. van Dam, F.J.G. Roesthuis, G. Rijnders, H. Hilgenkamp, and G. Koster
Physical Review Materials 4, 083806 (2020)

“Electron Trapping Mechanism in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures”
C. Yin, A.E.M. Smink, I. Leermakers, L.M.K. Tang, N. Lebedev, U. Zeitler, W.G. van der Wiel, H. Hilgenkamp, and J. Aarts
Physical Review Letters 124, 017702 (2020)

“Acoustoelectric charge transport at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface”
Y. Uzun, A.E.M. Smink, M.P. de Jong, H. Hilgenkamp, and W.G. van der Wiel
Applied Physics Letters 116, 011601 (2020)


“Correlation between superconductivity, band filling, and electron confinement at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface”
A.E.M. Smink, M.P. Stehno, J.C. de Boer, A. Brinkman, W.G. van der Wiel, and H. Hilgenkamp
Physical Review B 97, 245113 (2018)


“Gate-tunable band structure of the LaAlO­3-SrTiO3 interface”
A.E.M. Smink, J.C. de Boer, M.P. Stehno, A. Brinkman, W.G. van der Wiel, and H. Hilgenkamp
Physical Review Letters 118, 106401 (2017)


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