Seminars 2011
Date/Time | Room | Speaker | Institute | Title |
28.11.2011 16:00 h | 7D2 | W. Haensch | IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights NY, USA | Devices for the post CMOS area - what are we looking for? |
25.11.2011 14:00 h | 7D2 | T. Sparks | Harvard University School of Engineering | Revisiting in-situ thermopower measurements of cation distributions in spinels: a Co 3 O 4 case study |
06.10.2011 10:15 h | 2D5 | D. Scalapino | University of California Santa Barbara, USA | A common Thread: The Pairing Interaction in the Heavy Fermion, Cuprate and Fe Superconductors |
05.07.2011 14:00 h | 2D5 | L. Fitting Kourkoutis | Cornell University, USA | Spectroscopic imaging of atomically engineered materials by aberration corrected electron microscopy |
23.05.2011 11:00 h | 4D2 | A. Schmehl | Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg | Europium Monoxide – A Key Material for Spinelectronics? |