Seminars 2015
Date/Time | Room | Speaker | Institute | Title |
17.11.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | A. Shengelaya | Department of Physics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia | Magnetoelectric Coupling in Multiferroic Materials Studied by a Novel Magnetic Resonance Technique |
13.11.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | J. L. MacManus-Driscoll | Dept. Materials Science, University of Cambridge, U.K. | Tunable Nanionics in Epitaxial Oxide Nanocomposite Thin Films |
12.11.2015 10:00 h | 7D2 | H. Wang | Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, USA | Complex Oxides in the Low-Dimensional Limit: Materials and Order Parameters in 2D, 1D |
14.10.2015 11:00 h | 7D2 | T. C. Fujita | Kawasaki Laboratory in the University of Tokyo, Japan | Magnetic Domain Induced Carrier Transport in Pyrochlore Iridate Thin Films and Heterostructures |
25.09.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | X. Pan | Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science University of California, Irvine, USA | Probing the Structure and Dynamic Behaviors of Nanostructured Materials with Atomic Resolution in Real Time |
15.09.2015 15:00 h | 4D2 | H. Boschker | Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Abteilung Mannhart | Tutorial Thin Film X-Ray Diffraction |
10.09.2015 14:00 h | 4D2 | L. Giordano | Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Università Milano-Bicocca, Italy | Tuning the Metal Work Function by Deposition of Oxide Ultra-thin Films |
04.09.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | H. Yamamoto | Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan | Field-, Strain-, and Light-induced Superconductivity in Organic FETs |
09.07.2015 14:00 h | 4D2 | C. Guguschev | Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Berlin | Growth of SrTiO 3 Single Crystals of High Quality |
25.06.2015 14:00 h | 4D2 | N. Pryds | Department for Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark | Highly Confined Electronic and Ionic Conduction in Oxide Heterostructures: Can They Be Controlled? |
11.06.2015 15:00 h | 4D2 | K. Peters | CrysTec GmbH, Berlin | Oxide Substrates. What We Can Expect? |
01.06.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | A. Nojeh | Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC | Heat Trap and Nano Thermionics/Thermoelectrics |
26.05.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | D. M. Newns | BM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., USA | Phase Diagram of Cuprate High-Temperature Superconductors – a Theory that Works |
20.05.15 14:00 h | 7D2 | D. Kölle | Physikalisches Institut and Center for LISA, Universität Tübingen | NanoSQUIDs for the Investigation of Small Spin Systems |
09.03.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | A. Tsukazaki | Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan | Polarization Engineering in Polar-Semiconductor ZnO Heterostructures |
25.02.2015 11:00 h | 7D2 | S. Ilani | Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel | Attraction by Repulsion: Pairing Electrons Using Electrons |
24.02.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | M. Budden | TU Ilmenau | Nanofabrication by Scanning Probe Lithography – Towards Single Digit Devices |
29.01.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | B. Holzapfel | Institut für Technische Physik, KIT Karlsruhe | Epitaxial Ba122 and 11 Thin Film Heterostructures: Basic Properties and Application Aspects |
21.01.2015 10:15 h | 7D2 | R. Kleiner | Phys. Inst. & Center for Collective Quantum Phenomena, Universität Tübingen | Inside the THz Gap – Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in High Temperature Superconductors |
20.01.2015 15:00 h | 4D2 | M. I. Eremets | Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz | Superconductivity at 190 K at High Pressures |
16.01.2015 11:00 h | 4D2 | R. Waser | Institut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik, RWTH Aachen | Ultra-Nonlinear Kinetics of the Redbox-Based Resistive Switching Phenomena |