July 2005
Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems,
“Recent progress on microwave induced magnetoresistance phenomena”,
Taos, USA.
June 2005
Advanced Research Workshop on Fundamentals of Electronic Nanosystems,
“Recent progress on microwave induced magnetoresistance phenomena”,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
June 2005
The 13th International Symposium on Nanostructure Physics and Technology,
“The generation of terahertz electrical pulses in superlattices of self-assembled ErAs-Islands”,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
December 2004
The 5th International Conference on Low-Dimensional Structures and Devices,
“Superlattices of self-assembled ErAs-islands for the generation of Terahertz pulses”,
Cancun, Mexico.
August 2004
The 16th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics (SEMIMAG 16),
“The quantized Hall conductance unveils Hofstadter’s fractal energy spectrum”,
Tallahasee, USA.
April 2004
Quantum Transport Symposium, the 4th Conference on Condensed Matter and Material Physics (CMMP04),
“Resistively monitoring electron spin-nuclear spin interactions in a two-dimensional electron system”,
Warwick, UK.
July 2003
The 15th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems,
“Nuclear magnetometry in a two-dimensional electron system based on spin-related phase transition physics”,
Nara, Japan.
July 2003
The VIIth International Symposium on Research in High Magnetic Fields,
“Nuclear magnetometry in a 2D-electron system based on spin-related phase transition physics”,
Toulouse, France.
June 2003
1st Summer School on Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, International Max-Planck Research School,
“The fractional quantum Hall effect: don’t waste zeroes!”,
Stuttgart, Germany.
June 2003
32nd International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,
“The composite fermion description of the fractional quantum Hall effect — the quasi-particle notion at its best”,
Jaszowiec, Poland.
April 2003
Symposium on Semiconductor Spintronics II, MRS Spring Meeting,
“Resistively monitoring and electrically manipulating electron-nuclear spin interactions in a 2D-electron systems”,
San Francisco, USA.
March 2003
Plenary Talk at the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society,
“Composite fermions — the quasi-particle concept at its best”,
Dresden, Germany.
February 2003
Edgar-Lüscher physics seminar,
“The composite fermion description of the fractional quantum Hall effect: experiment”,
Bad Serneus, Switzerland.