Control of collective quantum phenomena in metal-oxide superlattices

A grand challenge in the field of correlated-electron physics is the transition from conceptual understanding of collective ordering phenomena to their control and design. We are pursuing an experimental program designed to meet this challenge through the synthesis and characterization of metal-oxide superlattices, with particular emphasis on copper [1,2] and nickel [3-8] oxides. Polarized photon-based methods such as resonant x-ray scattering and Raman scattering are ideally suited to obtain a comprehensive description of the electron system in metal-oxide superlattices. We collaborate extensively with the groups of George Sawatzky and Andrea Damascelli at UBC on the development of resonant x-ray scattering methods, [9]­­ and their application to transition metal oxides. [10,11] Together, we are now developing perspectives for control of the phase behavior of correlated electrons in metal-oxide superlattices by modifying the occupation of transition metal d-orbitals, the dimensionality of the electron system, and the electron-phonon interaction. Postdoctoral research opportunities are available in several project areas, including synthesis of heterostructures and superlattices by oxide molecular beam epitaxy and pulsed laser deposition as well as elastic and inelastic resonant x-ray scattering.


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Principal Investigators

G. Sawatzky (UBC),

B. Keimer (MPI-FKF),

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