Discovering the Vehicle Mechanism of Proton Conductivity
The diffusion of protons as part of protonated molecules (e.g. H3O+) together with the diffusion of uncharged molecules (vehicles) allow for the net-transport of protons (vehicle-mechanism). As opposed to structure diffusion (Grotthuß-mechanism, proton hopping), this mechanism corresponds to the most common case of proton conduction, especially in aqueous systems.
K.-D. Kreuer, A. Rabenau, and W. Weppner
Vehicle Mechanism, A New Model for the Interpretation of the Conductivity of Fast Proton Conductors
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 21(3), 208–209 (1982).
DOI: 10.1002/anie.198202082
K. D. Kreuer, A. Rabenau, and R. Messer
Proton Conductivity in the Layer Compound H3O UO2 AsO4 3H2O. II Conductivity in the Tetragonal High Temperature Phase
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 32, 155–158 (1983).
DOI: 10.1007/BF00616611
K. D. Kreuer, W. Weppner, and A. Rabenau
Investigation of Proton-Conducting Solids
Solid State Ionics 3–4, 353–358 (1981).
DOI: 10.1016/0167-2738(81)90112-0
K. D. Kreuer and A. Rabenau
Protonenleitung im Uranospinit HUO2AsO4 4H2O
Fortschritte der Mineralogie 59(1), 102–103 (1981).
K. D. Kreuer, W. Weppner, and A. Rabenau
Proton Conduction in Zeolites
Materials Research Bulletin 17, 501–509 (1982).
DOI: 10.1016/0025-5408(82)90106-4
K. D. Kreuer, I. Stoll, and A. Rabenau
Proton Conductivity of H3OUO2 AsO4 3H2O (HUAs) under Pressure Indication for Transition from Vehicle Mechanism to Grotthuss Mechanism
Solid State Ionics 9–10(Part 2), 1061–10645 (1983).
DOI: 10.1016/0167-2738(83)90131-5