Seminars 2016
Date/Time | Room | Speaker | Institute | Title |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Pablo Lopez-Rios | University of Cambridge, UK | Exploiting prior knowledge in the statistical analysis of quantum Monte Carlo simulations |
14:00 h |
4D2 | Kristine Pierloot |
University of KU Leuven, Belgium |
Accurate computations of spin state energetics in first-row transition metal systems |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Gerit Brandenburg |
University College London, UK |
Development and application of “low-cost” dispersion corrected density functional methods |
16.11.2016 14:00 h |
7D2 | Frank Neese |
Director at MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion (CEC),
Systematically approaching the full CI limit with an iterative configuration expansion algorithm |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Akbar Jafari | Fakultät für Physik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg |
Weak and strong correlations in Dirac systems |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Nikolaj Moll |
IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland |
Quantum Simulations with Superconducting Qubits |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Aron Cohen |
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK |
The exact density functional and real-space wavefunctions |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Matteo Barborini | National Research Council of Italy (Institute of Nanoscience (CNR-NANO), Modena, Italy | Correlation effects in STM and ARPES: evaluating frontier Dyson orbitals through quantm Monte Carlo |
11:00 h |
4D2 | David Tew | University of Bristol, UK |
Accurate wavefunctions for large molecular systems |
13:00 h |
7D2 | Audrius Alkauskas | Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania | First principles theory of radiative and non-radiatice carrier capture processes at point defects |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Ji Chen |
University College London, UK |
Interfacial and confined water: structure, phase transitions and dynamics |
13:00 h |
7D2 | Emmanuel Giner |
Universita di Ferrara, Italy |
Overview of some specific features regarding the electronic correlation problem in open shell systems |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Andrew Peterson |
Brown University, Rhode Island, USA |
Atomistic methods in electrocatalysis development |
16:00 h |
4D2 | Peter Schwerdtfeger |
Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, The New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study, Massey University (Albany Campus) Auckland, New Zealand |
From Graphene to Graphyne, Fullerenes, Fulleroids, Gaudienes and their Golden Duals |
11:00 h |
7D2 | Adam Holmes |
Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, New York, USA |
Efficient Heat-bath Sampling in Fock Space |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Kizashi Yamaguchi |
Institute for Nano Science Design, Osaka University, Japan |
Geometric, Electronic and Spin Structures of the CaMn 4 O 5 cluster in the Oxygen Evolving Complex of Photosystem II |
16:00 h |
7D2 | Sandra Luber |
University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Computational Investigation and Design of Co(II)-based Water Oxidation Catalysts |
14:00 h |
4D2 | Negar Ashari Astani | Laboratory of Computational Biochemistry and Chemistry (LCBC), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland | Computational Studies for the Characterization and Design of Dye-Sensitized and Perovskite-based Solar Cells with Improved Efficiencies |
13:00 h |
5D2 | Edgar Solomink |
Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
A massively-parallel tensor framework |