Seminars 2022 - 2019
Date/Time | Room | Speaker | Institute | Title |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Valera Veryazov |
Lund University,
Sweden |
How to apply multiconfigurational theory to ionic solids? |
11:00 h |
2D5 |
Denis Usvyat |
Humboldt Universität
Application of FCIQMC to periodiy systems using local mean-field embedding |
11:00 h |
Online | Nick Blunt |
University of Cambridge, UK |
Treating static and dynamical correlation with variational and projector Monte Carlo methods |
11:00 h |
Online | Q. Ma | University of Stuttgart |
Accurate and efficient explicitly correlated local coupled-cluster methods for open-shell molecules with pair natural orbitals |
15:00 h |
Online | Ruocheng Han |
University of Zurich,
Switzerland |
Recent advances towards accuracy and speed-up in computational chemistry: from force field to wave-function-based methods |
14:00 h |
4D2 | Eric Neuscamman | UC Berkeley, USA | Excited State Specific Quantum Chemistry |
10:00 h |
2R4 | Andreas Köhn |
University of Stuttgart |
Joint Seminar Uni Stgt & Abt. Alavi
16:00 h |
7D2 | Dominik Hangleiter | Freie Universität Berlin | Easing the sign problem |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Lucas Lang |
MPI für Kohlenforschung,
Mühlheim a.d. Ruhr |
Combining multi-partitioning of the Hamiltonian with canonical Van Vleck perturbation theory: A Hermitian variant of QD-NEVPT2 |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Michael Willatt | Ècole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne, Switzerland |
Accurate and Informative machine-learning models from density-based representations |
11:00 h |
7D2 | Tony Paxton | Kings College, London, UK | Hydrogen in Iron |
11:00 h |
7D2 | Arman Nejad |
Georg-August University Göttingen, Institute for Physical Chemistry |
Current problems with anharmonic vibrational calculations: Formic acid as a case study to benchmark theory |
14:00 h |
7D2 | Ursula Rothlisberger |
Federal Institute of Technology,
Lausanne, Switzerland |
Joint Seminar Abt. Maier & Abt. Alavi
Next-Generation First-Principles Based Molecular Dynamics: From Biological Systems to Materials |
11:00 h |
4D2 | Ajit Balram |
Niels Bohr International Academy and the Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Parton paradigm for the fractional quantum Hall effect in the second Landau level |