A continuous consistent description of the microstructure is possible using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. For that purpose high quality materialographic preparation is necessary to avoid misinterpretation of microstructures. Different devices for surface and cross-sectional preparation are available. Investigations can be done for metals, ceramics, polymers and their composites.
In the following you find the available devices used in our laboratory:
Minicut low-speed precision saw (Scan-Dia)
Accutom 50 presision saw (Stuers)
- ProntoPress 20 warm-setting molding device (including temperature and pressure control) (Struers)
- RotoPol-2 manually used grinding maschine (Struers)
- TegraPol-35
- plus TegraForce 5 half-automatic grinding and polishing device (Struers)
- Lectropol 5 electrolytic polishing and etching device (Struers)
- DM RME optical light microscope (Leica)
- EM ACE 600 coater for carbon and metal coatings (Leica)
- DSM 982 Gemini SEM (Zeiss) – including upgrade by Point Electronic. A high-resolution SEM with Schottky emitter equiped with an energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis system (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and a back-scattering detector (Oxford)