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Max Planck Society
Why are we doing fundamental research?
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IMPRS (International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Materials) |
Useful YouTube Videos
How to give a talk - a recommendable lecture on how to speak by Patrick Winston
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research - YouTube Videos
Great Science for Everybody
Emergency Numbers - Notfall Rufnummern
Here are the most important telephone numbers for emergency / Hier die wichtigsten Notfallnummern:
Internal numbers / Interne Rufnummern:
Fire / Im Brandfall | 7-1300
Internal emergency call during working hours
| 7-7777 |
Medical Service / Betriebsärztlicher Dienst
| 1417 |
External numbers / Externe Rufnummern:
Emergency-ambulance / Notruf-Rettungsdienst | 0-112