Prof. Dr. Werner Dietsche
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Werner Dietsche joined the von-Klitzing department of the MPI für Festkörperforschung in 1989. In recent years, he focused on the molecular beam epitaxy of III-V heterostructures with high electron mobilities and on the investigation of the exciton superfluidity in quantum Hall bilayers at the total filling factor one. He was interested in a variety of quantum Hall phenomena including the absorption and emission of phonons (heat-pulses) and the interaction of the electrons with nuclear spins. Furthermore, he developed an early MBE system for the growth of oxide superconductors.
Werner Dietsche studied physics at the University of Karlsruhe (now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), the University of Ottawa in Canada and the Jülich research center. Later he worked at the physics department of the Technical University München. Utilizing superconducting tunnel junctions he used heat pulses and phonons to investigate several solid-state phenomena, including the Kapitza resistance, silicon MOSFETs as well as amorphous superconductors and dielectrics.
Since November 2012, he has been retired but continues to do research in close collaboration with the MPI für Festkörperforschung and with the group of Werner Wegscheider at the ETH Zürich.
Research Keywords (selection)
- Ballistic acoustic phonons
- Coupled two-dimensional charge systems
- Dissipation in quantum Hall experiments
- Molecular beam epitaxy of HTC materials
Selected Publications
g-factor anisotropy in a GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum well probed by electron spin resonance,
Yu. A. Nefyodov, A.V. Shchepetilnikov, I.V. Kukushkin, W. Dietsche, and S. Schmult, Phys. Rev. B 83, 041307 (2011).
Interlayer Tunneling in Counterflow Experiments on the Excitonic Condensate in Quantum Hall Bilayers,
Y. Yoon, L. Tiemann, S. Schmult, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, and W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 116802 (2010).
Extra Spin-Wave Mode in Quantum Hall Systems: Beyond the Skyrmion Limit,
I. K. Drozdov, L.V. Kulik, A.S. Zhuravlev, V.E. Kirpichev, I.V. Kukushkin, S. Schmult, and W. Dietsche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 136804 (2010).
Gallium beam analysis and implications for the growth of ultra-high-mobility GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures,
S. Schmult, S. Taylor, and W. Dietsche, J. of Crystal Growth 311, 1655 (2009).
Cyclotron Spin-Flip Excitations in a nu=1/3 Quantum Hall Ferromagnet,
A.B. Van’kov, L.V. Kulik, S. Dickmann, I.V. Kukushkin, V.E. Kirpichev, W. Dietsche, and S. Schmult, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 206802 (2009).
Dominant parameters for the critical tunneling current in bilayer exciton condensates,
L. Tiemann, Y. Yoon, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, and W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. B 80, 165120 (2009).
Exciton condensate at a total filling factor of one in Corbino two-dimensional electron bilayers,
L. Tiemann, J.G.S. Lok, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, K. Muraki, D. Schuh, and W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. B 77, 033306 (2008).
Critical tunneling currents in the regime of bilayer excitons,
L. Tiemann, W. Dietsche, M. Hauser, and K. von Klitzing, New J. of Phys. 10, 045018 (2008).
Tunable Plasmonic Crystals for Edge Magnetoplasmons of a Two-Dimensional Electron System,
V.M. Muravev, A.A. Fortunatov, I.V. Kukushkin, J.H. Smet, W. Dietsche, and K. von Klitzing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 216801 (2008).
Missing conductivity peak in a surface acoustic wave measurement at nu=2/3,
D. Dini, R.B. Dunford, O. Stern, W. Dietsche, C.J. Mellor, K. von Klitzing, and W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. B 75, 153307 (2007).
Electron spin resonance on a two-dimensional electron gas in a single AlAs quantum well,
M. Schulte, J.G.S. Lok, G. Denninger, and W. Dietsche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 137601 (2005).
Dipole excitations in a bilayer electron system in a parallel magnetic field,
L.V. Kulik, I.V. Kukushkin, S.V. Tovstonog, V.E. Kirpichev, V.E. Bisti, W. Dietsche, M. Hauser, and K. von Klitzing, Phys. Rev. B 71, 165303 (2005).
Quantum Hall ferromagnetism of AlAs 2D electrons,
J.G.S. Lok, M. Lynass, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, and M. Hauser, Physica E 22, 94 (2004).
Coulomb drag as a probe of the nature of compressible states in a magnetic field,
K. Muraki, J.G.S. Lok, S. Kraus, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, D. Schuh, M. Bichler, and W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246801 (2004).
NMR study of the electron spin polarization in the fractional quantum Hall effect of a single quantum well: Spectroscopic evidence for domain formation,
O. Stern, N. Freytag, A. Fay, W. Dietsche, J.H. Smet, K. von Klitzing, D. Schuh, W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. B 70, 075318 (2004).
Activated transport in the separate layers that form the nu(T) =1 exciton condensate,
R.D. Wiersma, J.G.S. Lok, S. Kraus, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, D. Schuh, M. Bichler, H.P. Tranitz, and W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 266805 (2004).
Closely spaced and separately contacted two-dimensional electron and hole gases by in situ focused-ion implantation,
M. Pohlt, M. Lynass, J.G.S. Lok, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, K. Eberl, and R. Muhle, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 2105 (2002).
From quantum Hall ferromagnetism to huge longitudinal resistance at the 2/3 fractional quantum Hall state,
S. Kraus, O. Stern, J.G.S. Lok, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, M. Bichler, D. Schuh, W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 66801 (2002).
Spin effects in the magnetodrag between double quantum wells,
J.G.S. Lok, S. Kraus, M. Pohlt, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, W. Wegscheider, M. Bichler, Phys. Rev. B 63, 041305 (2001).
Images of the phonon propagation across twist-bonded crystals,
M. Msall, W. Dietsche, K.J. Friedland, Q.Y. Tong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 598601 (2000).
Frictional drag between coupled two-dimensional hole gases in GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As heterostructures,
C. Jorger, S.J. Cheng, H. Rubel, W. Dietsche, R. Gerhardts, P. Specht, K. Eberl, and K. von Klitzing, Phys. Rev. B 62, 1572 (2000).
New type of electron nuclear-spin interaction from resistively detected NMR in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime,
S. Kronmüller, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, G. Denninger, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4070 (1999).
Fabrication of independently contacted and tuneable 2D-electron-hole systems in GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum wells,
H. Rubel, A. Fischer, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, and K. Eberl, Mat. Sc. and Eng. B 51, 207 (1998)
Spectroscopy of phonon emission in the quantum Hall effect regime,
S. Roshko, W. Dietsche, and L.J. Challis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3835 (1998).
New resistance maxima in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime,
S. Kronmüller, W. Dietsche, J. Weis, K. von Klitzing, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2526 (1998).
Observation of screening in the magneto-Coulomb drag between coupled two-dimensional electron systems,
H. Rubel, A. Fischer, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, and K. Eberl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1763 (1997).
Magneto-optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional holes in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs single heterojunctions,
O.V. Volkov, V.E. Zhitomirskii, I.V. Kukushin, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, A. Fischer, and K. Eberl, Phys. Rev. B 56, 7541 (1997).
Quantitative model of phonon-drag imaging experiments,
Y.W. Kershaw, S.J. Bending, W. Dietsche, and K. Eberl, Semic. Sc. and Techn. 11, 1036 (1996).
Electrooptic imaging of potential distributions in the quantum Hall regime,
R. Knott, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, K. Eberl, and K. Ploog, Semic. Sc. and Techn. 10, 117 (1995).
Normal-state tunnel junction as a tunable quasi-monochromatic phonon source,
J. Cooper, S. Roshko, W. Dietsche, Y. Kershaw, and U. Wenschuh, Phys. Rev. B 50, 8352 (1994).
Molecular-beam epitaxial-growth and structural properties of DyBa2Cu3O7-Y superconducting thin films,
H.S. Wang, D. Eissler, W. Dietsche, A. Fischer, and K. Ploog, J. of Crys. Growth 126, 565 (1993).
Electron-phonon interaction in the quantum Hall effect regime,
F. Dietzel, W. Dietsche, and K. Ploog, Phys. Rev. B 48, 4713 (1993).
Image of dissipation in gated quantum Hall effect samples,
U. Klass, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, and K. Ploog, Sur. Sc. 263, 97 (1992).
Specular phonon reflection – refocusing and symmetry doubling,
R. Wichard, and W. Dietsche, Phys. Rev. B 45, 9705 (1992).
Imaging of the dissipation in quantum Hall effect experiments,
U. Klass, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, and K. Ploog, Z. f. Physik B 82, 351 (1991).
Low-temperature preparation of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-Delta films on Si, MgO, and SrTiO3 by thermal co-evaporation,
P. Berberich, J. Tate, W. Dietsche, and H. Kinder, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 925 (1988).
Imaging of the phonon-drag effect in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures,
H. Karl, W. Dietsche, A. Fischer, and K. Ploog, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2360 (1988).
Phonon-emission spectroscopy of a two-dimensional electron gas,
M. Rothenfusser, L. Köster, and W. Dietsche, Phys. Rev. B 34, 5518 (1986).
Linear dispersion of transverse high-frequency phonons in vitreous silica,
M. Rothenfusser, W. Dietsche, and H. Kinder, Phys. Rev. B 27, 5196 (1983).
Phonon spectroscopy of the electron-hole liquid in germanium,
W. Dietsche, S.J. Kirch, and J.P. Wolfe, Phys. Rev. B 26, 780 (1982).
Phonon focusing of large acoustic phonons in Germanium,
W. Dietsche, G.A. Northrop, and J. P. Wolfe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 660 (1981).
Breakdown of Shear Stiffness in Amorphous Ga,
W. Dietsche, H. Kinder, J. Mattes, and H. Wühl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1332 (1980).
Spectroscopy of Phonon Scattering in Glass,
W. Dietsche, and H. Kinder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1413 (1979).
Absence of Anomalous Kapitza Conductance on Freshly Cleaved Surfaces,
J. Weber, W. Sandmann, W. Dietsche, and H. Kinder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 1469 (1978).
Superconducting Al-PbBi Tunnel Junction as a Phonon Spectrometer,
W. Dietsche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 786 (1978).
Frequency analysis of phonons backscattered from interfaces between solids and helium,
W. Dietsche, and H. Kinder, J. of Low Temp. Phys. 23, 27 (1976).
Strong Phonon Conversion at the Helium-Solid Interface,
H. Kinder, and W. Dietsche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 578 (1974).