Publications 2018
893. N.S. Kaya, A. Yadav, M. Wehrhold, L. Zuccaro, and K. Balasubramanian
Binding Kinetics of Methylene Blue on Monolayer Graphene Investigated by Multiparameter Surface Plasmon Resonance
ACS Omega 3, 7133-7140 (2018)
892. J. Hermenau, M. Ternes, M. Steinbrecher, R. Wiesendanger, and J. Wiebe
Long Spin-Relaxation Times in a Transition-Metal Atom in Direct Contact to a Metal Substrate
Nano Letters 18, 1978-1983 (2018)
891. Christian R. Ast
A little bit of everything
Nature Physics 14, 874 (2018)
890. C.S. Adjiman, J.G. Brandenburg, D.E. Braun, J. Cole, C. Collins, A.I. Cooper, A.J. Cruz-Cabeza, G.M. Day, M. Dudek, A. Hare, L. Iuzzolino, D. McKay, J.B.O. Mitchell,
S. Mohamed, S. Neelamraju, M. Neumann, S. Nilsson Lill, J. Nyman, A.R. Oganov, S.L. Price, A. Pulido, S. Reutzel-Edens, I. Rietveld, M.T. Ruggiero, J.C. Schon, S. Tsuzuki, J. van den Ende, G. Woollam, and Q. Zhu
Applications of crystal structure prediction – organic molecular structures: general discussion
Faraday Discussions 211, 493-539 (2018)
889. M. Addicoat, C.S. Adjiman, M. Arhangelskis, G.J.O. Beran, D. Bowskill, J.G. Brandenburg, D.E. Braun, V. Burger, J. Cole, A.J. Cruz-Cabeza, G.M. Day, V.L. Deringer, R. Guo, A. Hare, J. Helfferich, J. Hoja, L. Iuzzolino, S. Jobbins, N. Marom, D. McKay, J.B.O. Mitchell, S. Mohamed, M. Neumann, S.N. Lill, J. Nyman, A.R. Oganov, P. Piaggi, S.L. Price, S. Reutzel-Edens, I. Rietveld, M. Ruggiero, M.R. Ryder, G. Sastre, J.C. Schon, C. Taylor, A. Tkatchenko, S. Tsuzuki, J. van den Ende, S.M. Woodley, G. Woollam, and Q. Zhu
Crystal structure evaluation: calculating relative stabilities and other criteria: general discussion
Faraday Discussions 211, 325-381 (2018)
888. M. Addicoat, C.S. Adjiman, M. Arhangelskis, G.J.O. Beran, J.G. Brandenburg, D.E. Braun, V. Burger, A. Burow, C. Collins, A. Cooper, G.M. Day, V.L. Deringer, M.S. Dyer, A. Hare, K.E. Jelfs, J. Keupp, S. Konstantinopoulos, Y. Li, Y.M. Ma, N. Marom, D. McKay, C. Mellot-Draznieks, S. Mohamed, M. Neumann, S.N. Lill, J. Nyman, A.R. Oganov, S.L. Price, S. Reutzel-Edens, M. Ruggiero, G. Sastre, R. Schmid, J. Schmidt, J.C. Schon, P. Spackman, S. Tsuzuki, S.M. Woodley, S.Y. Yang, and Q. Zhu
Structure searching methods: general discussion
Faraday Discussions 211, 133-180 (2018)
887. Bart Stel, Fernando Cometto, Behzad Rad, James J. De Yoreo, and Magalí Lingenfelder
Dynamically resolved self-assembly of S-layer proteins on solid surfaces
ChemComm 54, 10264 (2018)
886. Dejan Zagorac, Jelena Zagorac, J. Christian Schön, Nemanja Stojanović and, Branko Matović
ZnO/ZnS (hetero)structures: ab initio investigations of polytypic behavior of mixed ZnO and ZnS compounds
Acta Cryst. B 74, 628 (2018)
885. Jessica Frick, Andreas Topp, Maxim Krivenkov, Andrei Varykhalov, Christian Ast, Andrew Bocarsly, and Leslie Schoop
Single Crystal Growth and Characterization of the Chalcopyrite Semiconductor CuInTe2 for Photoelectrochemical Solar Fuel Production
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 6833 (2018)
884. A. Topp, M. Vergniory, M. Krivenkov, A. Varykhalov, F. Rodolakis, J.L. McChesney, B.V. Lotsch, C.R. Ast, and L.M. Schoop
The effect of spin-orbit coupling on nonsymmorphic square-net compounds
J. Phys. and Chem. of Solids (2018)
Article (DOI:10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.12.035)
883. S.M. Woodley, I. Lough, A.A. Sokol, T. Lazauskas, D.M. Fonz, and J.C. Schön
Exploration of energy landscapes for feasible atomic structures of ZnO: From clusters to crystalline structures
Proceeding of the 18th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2018 (2018)
882. Sarah Trimpin, I-Chung Lu, Stephan Rauschenbach, Khoa Hoang, Beixi Wang, Nicholas D. Chubatyi, Wen-Jing Zhang, Ellen D. Inutan, Milan Pophristic, Alexander Sidorenko, and Charles N. McEwen
Spontaneous Charge Separation and Sublimation Processes are Ubiquitous in Nature and in Ionization Processes in Mass Spectrometry
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 29, 304 (2018)
881. N. Vats, S. Rauschenbach, W. Sigle, S. Sen, S. Abb, A. Portz, M. Dürr, M. Burghard, P.A. van Aken, and K. Kern
Electron microscopy of polyoxometalate ions on graphene by electrospray ion beam depostion
Nanoscale 10, 4952 (2018)
880. Flavia Lobo Maza, Pilar Carro, Carolina Vericat, Klaus Kern, Roberto C. Salvarezza, and Doris Grumelli
Role of Gold Adatoms in the Adsorption of Sulfide Species on the Gold(001)-hex Surface
J. of Phys. Chem. C 122, 2207 (2018)
879. A. Yaresko, A.P. Schnyder, H.M. Benia, C.-M. Yim, G. Levy, A. Damascelli, C.R. Ast, D.C. Peets, and P. Wahl
Correct Brillouin zone and electronic structure of BiPd
Phys. Rev. B 97, 075108 (2018)
878. Diana Hötger, Paula Abufager, Claudius Morchutt, Patrick Alexa, Doris Grumelli, Jan Dreiser, Sebastian Stepanow, Pietro Gambardella, H. Fabio Busnengo, Markus Etzkorn, Rico Gutzler, and Klaus Kern
On-surface transmetalation of metalloporphyrins
Nanoscale 10, 21116 (2018)
877. Diana Hoetger, Pilar Carro, Rico Gutzler, Benjamin Wurster, Rajadurai Chandrasekar, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Mario Ruben, Roberto Carlos Salvarezza, Klaus Kern and Doris Grumelli
Polymorphism and metal-induced structural transformation in 5,5'-bis(4-pyridyl)(2,2'-bispyrimidine) adlayers on Au(111)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 15960 (2018)
876. Jakob Fester, Anton Makoveev, Doris Grumelli, Rico Gutzler, Zhaozong Sun, Jonathan Rodríguez-Fernandez, Klaus Kern, and Jeppe V. Lauritsen
The Structure of the Cobalt Oxide/Au Catalyst Interface in Electrochemical Water Splitting
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 11893 (2018)
875. A. Rosławska, P. Merino, C. Große, C.C. Leon, O. Gunnarsson, M. Etzkorn, K. Kuhnke, and K. Kern
Single Charge and Exciton Dynamics Probed by Molecular-Scale-Induced Electroluminnescence
Nano Lett. 18, 4001 (2018)
874. Laurent Bernier, Harry Pinfold, Matthias Pauly, Stephan Rauschenbach, and Julius Reiss
Gas Flow and Ion Transfer in Heated ESI Capillary Interfaces
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 29, 761 (2018)
873. Christian Dette, Miguel A. Pérez-Osorio, Shai Mangel, Feliciano Giustino, Soon Jung Jung, and Klaus Kern
Atomic structure of water monolayer on anatase TiO2(101) surface
J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 11954 (2018)
872. Soudabeh Mashhadi, Daniel Weber, Leslie Schoop, Armin Schulz, Bettina Lotsch, Marko Burghard, and Klaus Kern
Electrical transport signature of the onset of Kitaev interactions in α-Rucl3 nanoflakes
Nano Lett. 18, 3203 (2018)
871. Leslie M. Schoop, Andreas Topp, Judith Lippmann, Fabio Orlandi, Lukas Müchler, Maia G. Vergniory, Yan Sun, Andreas W. Rost, Viola Duppel, Maxim Krivenkov, Shweta Sheoran, Pascal Manuel, Andrei Varykhalov, Binghai Yan, Reinhard K. Kremer, Christian R. Ast, and Bettina V. Lotsch
Tunable Weyl and Dirac states in the nonsymmorphic compound CeSbTe
Sci. Adv. 4, eaar2317 (2018)
870. Kristina Vaklinova, Katharina Polyudov, Marko Burghard, and Klaus Kern
Spin filter effect of hBN/Co detector electrodes in a 3D topological insulator spin valve
J. of Phys.: Condens. Matter 30, 105302 (2018)
869. P. Merino, A. Rosławska, C. Große, C.C. Leon, K. Kuhnke, K. Kern
Bimodal Exciton-Plasmon Light Sources Controlled by Local Charge Carrier Injection
Sci. Adv. 4, eaap8349 (2018)
868. A. Portz, M. Baur, G. Rinke, S. Abb, S. Rauschenbach, K. Kern, and M. Dürr
Chemical analysis of complex surface-adsorbed molecules and their reactions by means of cluster-induced desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry 90, 3328 (2018)
867. Klaus Kuhnke, Volodymyr Turkowski, Alexander Kabakchiev, Theresa Lutz, Talat S. Rahman, and Klaus Kern
Pentacene excitons in strong electric fields
ChemPhysChem 19, 277 (2018)
866. P. Seifert, K. Vaklinova, S. Ganichev, K. Kern, M. Burghard, and A.W. Holleitner
Spin Hall photoconductance in a three-dimensional topological insulator at room temperature
Nature Commun. 9, 331 (2018)
865. Xiaoling Lu, Walid-Madhat Munief, Forian Heib, Michael Schmitt, Anette Britz, Samuel Grandthyl, Frank Müller, Jens-Uwe Neurohr, Karin Jacobs, Hadj Mohamend Benia, Ruben Lanche, Vivek Pachauri, Rolf Hempelmann, and Sven Ingebrandt
Front-End-of-Line Ingetration of Graphene Oxide for Graphene-Based Electrical Platforms
Adv. Mater. Technol. 3, 1700318 (2018)