Publications 1985-1993

78. P. Zeppenfeld, K. Kern, R. David, U. Becher, and G. Comsa,
Mixtures of Kr and Xe physisorbed on Pt(111): a prototype of a stochastic two-dimensional alloy,
Surf. Sci. Lett. 285, L461 (1993)

77. P. Zeppenfeld, U. Becher, K. Kern, and G. Comsa,
On the formation of Ar-Kr two-dimensional mixtures,
Surf. Sci. Lett. 297, L141 (1993)

76. M. Yanuka, A.T. Yinnon, R.B. Gerber, P. Zeppenfeld, and K.Kern, U. Becher, and G.Comsa,
He scattering from substitutionally disordered mixed monolayers: experimental and theoretical studies of Xe + Kr on Pt(111),
J. Chem. Phys. 99, 8280 (1993)

75. H. Röder, R. Schuster, H. Brune, and K. Kern,
Monolayer-confined mixing at the Ag-Pt(111) interface,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2086 (1993)

74. H. Röder, E. Hahn, H. Brune, J.-P. Bucher, and K. Kern,
Building one- and two-dimensional nanostructures via diffusion controlled aggregation at surfaces,
Nature 366, 141 (1993)

73. H. Röder, H. Brune, J.P. Bucher, and K. Kern,
Changing nanostructure of metallic monolayers via temperature controlled heteroepitaxy,
Surf. Sci. 298, 121 (1993)

72. I.K. Robinson, P. Eng, Ch. Romainczyk, and K. Kern,
X-ray determination of the (1x3) reconstruction of Pt(110),
Phys. Rev. B 47, 10700 (1993)

71. M. Morin, K. Kuhnke, P. Jakob, Y.J. Chabal, N.J. Levinos, and A.L. Harris,
Interadsorbate vibrational energy flow on stepped vicinal H/Si(111) surfaces,
J. Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 64/65, 11 (1993)

70. K. Kuhnke, M. Morin, P. Jakob, N.J. Levinos, Y.J. Chabal, and A.L. Harris,
Vibrational energy transfer among adsorbate modes: picosecond dynamics on stepped H/Si(111),
J. Chem. Phys. 99, 6114 (1993)

69. K. Kern,
Surface Roughening: experimental aspects,
The Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces and Heterogeneous Catalysis Vol.7, chapter 9, Eds. D.A.King and D.P.Woodruff, Elsevier, (1993)

68. K. Kern,
Restructuring at surfaces,
Springer Proc. Phys. 73, 81 (1993)

67. J. Heidberg, E. Kampshoff, R. Kühnemuth, and O. Schönekäs,
Surface diffusion in the 2D-phase transition of CO2 adsorbed on NaCl(100),
J. Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 64/65, 803 (1993)

66. J. Heidberg, E. Kampshoff, R. Kühnemuth, O. Schönekäs, G. Lange, D. Schmicker, J.P. Toennies, R. Vollmer, and H. Weiss,
Internal and external vibrational modes of CO2/NaCl(100),
J. Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 64/65, 341 (1993)

65. E. Hahn, A. Fricke, H. Röder, and K. Kern,
Structure and complete chemical passivation of Pt(997),
Surf. Sci. 297, 19 (1993)

64. D.C. Douglass, A.J. Cox, J.P. Bucher, and L.A. Bloomfield,
Magnetic properties of free cobald and gadolinium clusters,
Phys. Rev. B 47, 12874 (1993)

63. J.P. Bucher, H. Röder, and K. Kern,
Thermally induced disorder and conformational defects of alkane monolayers on graphite,
Surf. Sci. 289, 370 (1993)

62. J.P. Bucher and L.A. Bloomfield,
Magnetism of free transition metals and rare earth clusters,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B7, 1079 (1993)

61. H. Brune, J. Wintterlin, J. Trost, G. Ertl, J. Wiechers, and R.J. Behm,
Interaction of oxygen with Al(111) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy,
J. Chem. Phys. 99, 2128 (1993)

60. L.A. Bloomfield, J.P. Bucher, and D.C. Douglass,
Magnetic properties of free transition metal clusters,
Clusters and Clustering, from Atoms to Fractals, Ed. R.J. Reynolds, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1993)

59. C. Boragno, Y. Shen, F. Buatier de Mongeot, and U. Valbusa,
Superconducting thin films as coupling media in a Si:P detachable bolometer: experimental results and analysis
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII: Proc. of the 7th Intern. Conf., Eds. M. Meissner and R.O. Pohl, Springer, Berlin, 112, 502 (1993)

58. J.V. Barth, H. Brune, R. Schuster, R.J. Behm, and G. Ertl,
Intermixing and two-dimensional alloy formation in Na/Au(111) system,
Surf. Sci. Lett. 292, L769 (1993)

57. K. Kuhnke, E. Hahn, R. David, P. Zeppenfeld, and K. Kern,
Probing surfaces with thermal energy atomes : proposal for a novel triple-axis He surface spectrometer,
Surf. Sci. 272, 118 (1992)

56. K. Kuhnke, K. Kern, G. Comsa, and W. Moritz,
Toplayer superstructures of the reconstructed Pt(100) surface,
Phys. Rev. B 45, 14388 (1992)

55. P. Zeppenfeld, U. Becher, K. Kern, and G. Comsa,
Structure of monolayer Ar on Pt(111) : possible realisation of a devil's stair case in two dimensions,
Phys. Rev. B 45, 5179 (1992)

54. G. Comsa, K. Kern, B. Poelsema,
Physiosorbed rare gas adlayers studies with helium scattering,
Springer Series in Surface Science 27, 243 (1992)

53. K. Kern, I.K. Robinson, and E. Vlieg,
Healing kinetics of a sputter-roughened surface,
Surface Science 261, 118 (1992)

52. K. Kern ,
Thermal dynamics of (110) fcc metal surfaces,
Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering, Eds. H.Zabel, I.K.Robinson (Springer, Berlin, 1991) p.63

51. K. Kern, H. Niehus, A. Schatz, P. Zeppenfeld, J. George, and G. Comsa,
Long range spatial selforganization in the adsorbate induced restructuring of surfaces: Cu(110) - (2xl)O,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 855 (1991)

50. K. Kern,
Thermal dynamics of nonvicinal metal surfaces,
NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, B 267, Eds. : H. Taub et al., (Plenum, New York, 1991) p. 269

49. K. Kern and G. Comsa,
Modulated structures of adsorbed rare gas monolayers,
NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, B 267, Eds. : H. Taub et al., (Plenum, New York, 1991) p.41

48. K. Kern and G.Comsa,
Atomic beam studies of ordering at surfaces,
Kinetics of Ordering and Growth at Surfaces, Ed. M.G. Lagally, (Plenum, New York, 1991), p. 53

47. P. Zeppenfeld, U. Becher, K. Kern, and G. Comsa,
Vibrational spectroscopy of rare gas adlayers,
J. Electr. Spectr. Related Phenom. 54/55, 265 (1990)

46. A. v. Felde, K. Kern, G. Higashi, Y. Chabal, S.B. Christman, C.C. Bahr, and M.J. Cardillo,
Oxidation of GaAs(110) with NO2: infrared spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. B 42, 5240 (1990)

45. A. vom Felde, C. Bahr, K. Kern, G. Higashi, Y. Chabal, and M.J. Cardillo,
Monitoring low coverage surface chemistry with bulk transport: NO2 dissociation and oxygen penetration at the GaAs(110) surface,
Phys. Rev. B (RC) 42, 6865 (1990)

44. I.K. Robinson, E. Vlieg, and K. Kern,
Structure and roughening of the Pt(110) surface,
Faraday Disc. Chem. Soc. 89, 1 (1990)

43. I.K. Robinson, E. Vlieg, and K. Kern,
Reply to "comment on non-ising behavior of the Pt(110) surface phase transition by I.Vilfan and J.Villain",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1831 (1990)

42. E. Vlieg, I.K. Robinson, and K. Kern,
Relaxations in the missing-row structure of the (1x2) reconstructed surfaces of Au(110) and Pt(110),
Surf. Sci. 233, 248 (1990)

41. K. Kern,
Critical phenomena and defects in adsorbed layers,
Vacuum 41, 389 (1990)

40. K. Kern, I.K. Robinson, and E. Vlieg,
The high temperature phase transition of Pt(110)(1x2),
Vacuum 41, 318 (1990)

39. P. Zeppenfeld, U. Becher, K. Kern, R. David, and G. Comsa,
On the structure and dynamics of thin Ar-films on Pt(111),
Vacuum 41, 752 (1990)

38. P.S. Weiss, P.L. Trevor, K. Kern, A. v. Felde, and M.J. Cardillo,
Carrier excitation by atomic collision on GaAs(110),
Surf. Sci. 226, 191 (1990)

37. K. Kern, Y. Chabal, G. Higashi, A. v. Felde, and M.J. Cardillo,
Low temperature adsorption and reaction of NO on GaAs(110),
Chem. Phys. Lett. 168, 203 (1990)

36. P. Zeppenfeld, U. Becher, K. Kern, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Van Hove anomaly in Ar-monolayers on Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. B (RC) 41, 8549 (1990)

35. K. Kern, U. Becher, P. Zeppenfeld, G. Comsa, B.L. Hall, and D. Mills,
Anharmonic linewidth broadening of surface phonons,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 167, 362 (1990)

34. I.K. Robinson, E. Vlieg, and K. Kern,
Non-ising behavior of the Pt(110) surface phase transition,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 2578 (1989)

33. B.L. Hall, D.L. Mills, P. Zeppenfeld, K. Kern, U. Becher, and G.Comsa,
Anharmonic damping in rare gas multilayers,
Phys. Rev. B 40, 6326 (1989)

32. K. Kern and G. Comsa,
He-scattering studies of dynamics and phase-transitions of surfaces,
Advances in Chemical Physics Vol.LXXVI, "Molecule Surface Interactions", Ed.: K.P.Lawley, (Wiley, London, 1989), p. 211

31. V. Bortolani, V. Celli, A. Franchini, J. ldiodi, G. Santoro, K. Kern, B. Poelsema, and G.Comsa,
Debye-Waller Factor for He/Pt(111),
Surf. Sci. 208, 1 (1989)

30. P. Zeppenfeld, K. Kern, R. David, and G. Comsa,
No thermal roughening on Cu(110) up to 900K,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 63 (1989)

29. P. Zeppenfeld, K. Kern, R. David, K. Kuhnke, and G. Comsa,
Lattice dynamics of Cu(110): High-resolution He-scattering study,
Phys. Rev. B 38, 12329 (1988)

28. P. Zeppenfeld, K. Kern, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Diffraction from domain wall systems,
Phys. Rev. B 38, 3918 (1988)

27. K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, R. David, and G. Comsa,
2D-phase transitions studied by thermal He-scattering,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 639 (1988)

26. K. Kern and G. Comsa,
Physisorbed rare gas adlayers,
Chemistry and Physics of Solid Surfaces VII, Eds.: R.Vanselow and R.Howe, (Springer, Heidelberg, 1988), p. 65

25. K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Registry effects in the thermodynamic quantities of Xe adsorption on Pt(111),
Surf. Sci. 195, 353 (1988)

24. K. Kern, R. David, P. Zeppenfeld, and G. Comsa,
High resolution He-scattering studies of physisorbed films,
Structure of Solid Surfaces II, Eds.: J.F. van der Veen and M.A.van Hove, (Springer, Heidelberg, 1988), p. 502

23. K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Structure and phase transitions of incommensurate Xe layers on Pt(111),
Structure of Solid Surfaces II, Eds.: J.F. van der Veen and M.A. van Hove, (Springer, Heidelberg, 1988), p. 488

22. K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Structure and dynamics of rare-gas layers on Pt(111),
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 44, 215 (1987)

21. K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, R. David, and G. Comsa,
The incommensurate to high order commensurate phase transition of Kr/Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 79 (1987)

20. K. Kern,
Symmetry and rotational epitaxy of incommensurate Xe layers on Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. B 35 (RC), 8265 (1987)

19. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, G. Comsa, J. He, and T.S. Rahman,
Reply to "Comment on adsorbate induced Rayleigh phonon gap on p(2x2)O-Pt(111), by J.Szeftl",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 1050 (1987)

18. K. Kern, R. David, P. Zeppenfeld, R.L. Palmer, and G. Comsa,
Symmetry breaking commensurate-incommensurate transition of monolayer Xe physisorbed on Pt(111),
Solid State Communications 62, 391 (1987)

17. K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Adsorbate-substrate vibrational coupling in physisorbed Kr-films on Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. B35 (RC), 886 (1987)

16. K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, R. David, R.L. Palmer and G. Comsa,
Impurity quenched orientational epitaxy of Kr-layers on Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 3187 (1986)

15. R. David, K. Kern, P. Zeppenfeld, and G. Comsa,
High resolution He scattering apparatus for gas-surface interaction studies,
Rev. Sci. Instr. 57, 2771 (1986)

14. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, and G. Comsa,
Thermodynamic measurements of Xe-adsorption on Pt(111),
Surf. Sci. 175, L669 (1986)

13. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, and G. Comsa,
The Novaco-McTague rotated Xe-monolayer on Pt(111): a high order commensurate locked phase,
Appl. Phys. A41, 91 (1986)

12. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, G. Comsa, and T.S. Rahman,
Surface phonon dispersion of clean and oxygen covered Pt(111),
Surf. Sci. 178, 537 (1986)

11. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, and G. Comsa,
Complete wetting on strong substrates: Xe/Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2823 (1986)

10. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, G. Comsa, J. He, and T.S. Rahman,
Adsorbate induced Rayleigh phonon gap on p(2x2)O - Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2064 (1986)

9. K. Kern,
Untersuchung dynamischer Oberflächeneigenschaften und zweidimensionaler Phasenübergange an einer reinen und adsorbatbedeckten Pt(111) - Oberfläche mittels hochaufgelöster He - Streuung,
JÜL - KFA - Bericht 2040, Januar 1986

8. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, and G. Comsa,
Commensurate, incommensurate and rotated Xe monolayers on Pt(111), a He diffraction study,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 620 (1986)

7. K. Kern, R. David, R.L. Palmer, G. Comsa, and T.S. Rahman,
Surface phonon dispersion of Pt(111),
Phys. Rev. B 33 (RC), 4334 (1986)

6. K. Kern, R. David, and G. Comsa,
On an apparent restriction in the inelastic He scattering from close packed metal surfaces; a comment,
Surf. Sci. 164, L831 (1985)

5. K. Kern, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Low temperature rotational relaxation in deuterium nozzle beams,
Proc. Xth Intern. Symp. on Molecular Beams, (Cannes, 1985),p. IP

4. K. Kern, B. Lindenau, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Absolute molecular beam intensity detector: application to H2 and D2 beams,
Proc. Xth Intern. Symp. on Molecular Beams, (Cannes, 1985), p. IQ

3. K. Kern, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Low temperature measurements of the rotational relaxation of D2 free jets,
J. Chem. Phys. 82, 5673 (1985)

2. K.Kern, R.David, and G.Comsa,
Low energy helium nozzle beam,
Rev. Sci. Instr. 56, 369 (1985)

1. K. Kern, B. Lindenau, R. David, and G. Comsa,
Absolute determination of molecular beam intensities,
Rev. Sci. Instr. 56, 52 (1985)

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