Publications 2014


G.H. Booth, S.D. Smart, A. Alavi
Linear-scaling and parallelisable algorithms for stochastic quantum chemistry
Molecular Physics 112, 1855-1869 (2014)


Y. Lu, M. Höppner, O. Gunnarsson, M.W. Haverkort
Efficient real-frequency solver for dynamical mean-field theory
Physical Review B 90, 085102 (2014)


J. Merino, O. Gunnarsson
Pseudogap and singlet formation in organic and cuprate superconductors
Physical Review B 89, 245130 (2014)


C. Overy, G.H. Booth, N.S. Blunt, J.J. Shepherd, D. Cleland, A. Alavi
Unbiased reduced density matrices and electronic properties from full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo
Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 244117 (2014)


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