Group News

Photo of Levon Kalaydjian

New PhD Student

Levon Kalaydjian has successfully finished his Master studies and is now a PhD student of our group. Congratulations! (11.2024)
Photo of Hongguang Wang

Publication with contribution by StEM has been highlighted on Institute Homepage

The paper titled "Unification of insertion and supercapacitive storage concepts: Storage profiles in titania", created in collaboration between the Dept. Maier and Hongguang Wang, has been published in Science and highlighted on the homepage of MPI for Solid State Research. (11.2024)
Photo of Yu-Mi Wu and Y. Eren Suyolcu

Publication with StEM contribution has been chosen as Physical Review Letters Editors' Suggestion.

The publication "Unconventional Crystal Structure of the High-Pressure Superconductor La3Ni2O7", which is co-authored by Yu-Mi Wu, Y. Eren Suyolcu and Peter van Aken, has been chosen as Physical Review Letters Editors' Suggestion. Congratulations! (10.2024)
Picture of the FIB-SEM system SCIOS2 of the StEM
Our new FIB-SEM system SCIOS2 has been successfully installed during summer time and is now running and ready to be used for TEM lamella preparation. (09.2024) more
Photo of Hongguang Wang

Publication with StEM contribution has been chosen as APL Editor‘s Pick

The publication "Growth of high-quality ruthenium films on sapphire", which is co-authored by Hongguang Wang and Peter van Aken, has been chosen as AIP Publishing Editor's Pick. Congratulations! (07.2024)
Photo of Hongguang Wang

Publication led by StEM has been highlighted on Institute Homepage

The paper titled "Interface Design Beyond Epitaxy: Oxide Heterostructures Comprising Symmetry-forbidden Interfaces", which is led by Hongguang Wang in collaboration with Dept. Mannhart, has been published in Advanced Materials and highlighted on the homepage of MPI for Solid State Research. (06.2024)
Photo of Tianjie Fan

New PhD student

Tianjie Fan joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome! (04.2024)
Photo of Hongguang Wang

Publication led by StEM has been highlighted on Institute Homepage

The paper titled "Direct visualization of stacking-selective self-intercalation in epitaxial Nb1+xSe2 films", which is led by Hongguang Wang in collaboration with Dept. Takagi, has been published in Nature Communications and highlighted on the homepage of MPI for Solid State Research. (04.2024)
Photo of Yuhan Wang

New PhD student

Yuhan Wang joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome! (01.2024)
Cover image of Applied Physics Letter Volume 122, Issue 24

Publication with StEM contribution has been selected to be part of the 2023 APL Rising Stars Collection

The publication „Employing high-temperature-grown SrZrO3 buffer to enhance the electron mobility in La:BaSnO3-based heterostructures“, which is co-authored by Wilfried Sigle and Peter van Aken, has been chosen to be part of this years APL Rising Stars Collection. Congratulations! (11.2023)
Photo of Levon Kalaydjian

New Master Student

Levon Kalaydjian joins the group as a Master student. Welcome! (7.2023)
Photo of Pablo Sosa Lizama

New PhD student

Pablo Sosa Lizama joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome! (07.2023)
ESTEEM 3 newsletter logo
The 8th Edition of the biannual ESTEEM3 Newsletter was released on 30 June 2023. Find out about the key updates about the project over the last 6 months (07.2023) more
Photo of Yu-Mi Wu with her certificate (Thumbnail)
At this year‘s EMRS Spring Meeting in Strasbourg, France, the StEM contribution of Yu-Mi Wu with the title “Strain-Driven Metal-to-Insulator Transition and Charge Ordering in LiV2O4“ won the Young Researcher Award. Congratulations! (06.2023) more
Back cover of Angewandten Chemie Volume135, Issue17, April 17, 2023, e202303993

Publication with StEM contribution has been selected as journal edition cover photo

The publication „Exfoliated 2D Layered and Nonlayered Metal Phosphorous Trichalcogenides Nanosheets as Promising Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction“, which is co-authored by Hongguang Wang and Peter van Aken, has been chosen for this month‘s cover photo of Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations! (4.2023)
Photo of Kenan Elibol

Award announcement for StEM participant at the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2023 (M&M 2023)

Kenan Elibol of the StEM group will be awarded the M&M Postdoctoral Scholar Award at this year Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Meeting in Minneapolis, USA, for his publication entitled "Aluminum nanoplasmonics integrated onto suspended monolayer graphene." Congratulations! (04.2023)
StEM Logo

Visit of Stéphanie Reynaud in March

StEM will welcome Stéphanie Reynaud, Head of the Electron Microscopy Facility of the University Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, France, between the 27th and 31st of March to share knowledge and experience in the leadership, organisation and technical development of EM facilities like StEM. We looking forward to many fruitful discussions.
Photos of Nicolas Bonmassar and Anna Scheid with their certificates (Thumbnail)
At this year‘s Microscopy Conference 2023 in Darmstadt, Germany, the StEM contribution of Nicolas Bonmassar with the title "Depicting atomic-resolution orbital occupation in hole doped high-tc superconducting superlattices" won the best poster prize within its category.
Furthermore, during the conference, Anna Scheid was awarded the Research Award 2023 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy for her master thesis titled "Electron ptychographic phase imaging of all-inorganic halide perovskites (AIHPs) using 4D STEM". This prize is awarded by the DGE e.V. every two years for outstanding diploma, master or doctoral theses submitted to a German university or college, preferably of a methodological-innovative character in the field of microscopy
Many congratulations to both awardees! (03.2023) more
StEM Logo

Visit of Colin Ophus in February

StEM will welcome Dr Colin Ophus from NCEM, Berkeley Labs, USA, on the 24th of February. We are looking forward to his talk about Phase contrast atomic resolution imaging of nanostructures in 2D and 3D using 4D-STEM and the following discussions.
Photo of Kenan Elibol

Featured Publication in the Nature Portfolio Communities „Behind the Paper“ series

Nature Portfolio Communities published within their Behind the Paper series an invited contribution by Kenan Elibol of the StEM group, featuring his work "Linear indium atom chains at graphene edges". Congratulations! (02.2023)
ESTEEM 3 newsletter logo
The 7th Edition of the biannual ESTEEM3 Newsletter was released on 15 December 2022. Find out about the key updates about the project over the last 6 months (12.2022) more
ESTEEM3 logo
From 24th until 28th October the Workshop on Advanced TEM Specimen Preparation was held at the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy, offering extensive insight in this crucial technique for transmission electron microscopy. (10.2022) more
Photo of Wilfried Sigle

StEM co-authored publication added to Editor‘s Pick collection

The publication “Combined spectroscopy and electrical characterization of La:BaSnO3 thin films and heterostructures”, which is co-authored by Wilfried Sigle and Peter van Aken, has been added to the Editor‘s Pick collection of AIP Advances. Congratulations! (10.2022)
esteem3 Logo
In cooperation with Prof. Dr Peter A. van Aken, a two-page article titled „European Vision with a Focus on Access“ about the ESTEEM3 project was published in newest edition of EU Research. (10.2022) more
Photos of Nicolas Bonmassar and Yu-Mi Wu
Two of this year’s StEM contributions for the Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Meeting 2022 in Portland, Oregon, won awards within their categories. Congratulations to Nicolas Bonmassar, who won the M&M Student Award 2022 for his contribution "Emergent Interfacial Magnetism in Superconducting Cuprate-Manganate Superlattices" and to Yu-Mi Wu, who won the best poster prize for her poster "Charge Distribution Control with Atomic Resolution via Strain Engineering in Oxide Heterostructures", which was created in collaboration with Dept. Keimer. (08.2022) more
esteem3 Newsletter Logo
The 6th Edition of the biannual ESTEEM3 Newsletter was released on 16 June 2022. Find out about the key updates about the project over the last 6 months! (06.2022) more
Photo of Hongguang Wang

StEM co-authored publication added to f-block elements collection

The publication „Emergent multiferroism with magnetodielectric coupling in EuTiO3 created by a negative pressure control of strong spin-phonon coupling“, which is co-authored by Hongguang Wang and Peter van Aken, has been added to the f-block elements collection of Nature Communications. This collection highlights recent progress in reseach linked to actinides and lanthanides. Congratulations! (05.2022)
Photo of Y. Eren Suyolcu
Y. Eren Suyolcu joins the group as a Group Leader for the investigation of complex functional oxide heterostructures. Welcome! (05.2022) more
Photo of Hongguang Wang

StEM co-authored publication added to CO2 Reduction Hot Paper collection

The publication „Assembling Metal Organic Layer Composites for High-Performance Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Formate“, which is co-authored by Hongguang Wang and Peter van Aken, has been added to the CO2 Reduction Hot Paper collection of Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Congratulations! (01.2022)
Photo of Anna Scheid

New PhD Student

Anna Scheid has successfully finished her Master studies and is now a PhD student of our group. Congratulations! (01.2022)
ESTEEM3 Newsletter #5- November 2021 Edition
The 5th Edition of the biannual ESTEEM3 Newsletter was released on 4 November 2021. Find out about the key updates about the project over the last 6 months! (11.2021) more
Horizon 2020 Seal of Excellence for AtomTRAP proposal
We are proud to announce that the project proposal "AtomTRAP - Trapping Single Atoms and Artificial Molecules in Plasmonic Nanocavities" by Kenan Elibol of the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has received the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission managing the Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020. (07.2021) more
ESTEEM3 Newsletter #4 - June 2021 Edition
The 4th Edition of the biannual ESTEEM3 Newsletter was released on 9 June 2021. Find out about the key updates about the project over the last 6 months! (06.2021) more
Obituary for Mr Rainer Höschen

Mr Rainer Höschen passed away in Sindelfingen on 17 March 2021 at the age of 77. (31. März 2021) (Deutsch) more
New Engineer
Tobias Heil joins the group as a Engineer. Welcome! (03.2021) more
Dean's prize for Excellence in Research

Dean's prize for Excellence in Research

We are proud to announce that Dr. Hongguang Wang of the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been awarded the "Dean's prize for Excellence in Research" at Technical University of Darmstadt for his PhD thesis entitled "Atomic Scale Investigation of Structures and Functionalities in Quantum Matter Heteroepitaxy". (02.2021)
Peter A. van Aken on the World's Best List of the most cited scientists for the year 2020 ("Highly Cited Researchers" from Clarivate Analytics)
Prof. Dr. Peter van Aken, coordinator of ESTEEM3, is part of the "Highly Cited Researchers 2020" list unveiled by Clarivate Analytics early November 2020. This list recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research influence, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™. (11.2020) more
New Master Student
Anna Scheid joins the group as a Master student. Welcome! (11.2020) more
ESTEEM3 Newsletter #3 - October 2020 Edition
The 3rd Edition of the biannual ESTEEM3 Newsletter was released on 14 October 2020. Find out about the key updates about the project over the last 6 months! (10.2020) more
New Postdoctoral Scientist
Dr. Kenan Elibol joins the group as a scientist. Welcome! (09.2020) more
New PhD student
Nicolas Bonmassar joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome! (03.2020) more
Highly Cited Researcher 2019
Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken is on the World's Best List of the most cited scientists for the year 2019 ("Highly Cited Researchers" from Clarivate Analytics). (11.2019) more
DGE Presidency of Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

DGE Presidency of Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

During the last General Assembly of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie (DGE), Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken has been elected as Vice President for the period of 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2021 and as President for the period of 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2023.
2019 E-MRS Graduate Student Award for Xu Chen (StEM)

2019 E-MRS Graduate Student Award for Xu Chen (StEM)

Xu Chen was awarded with the "2019 E-MRS Graduate Student Award" at the E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting in Nice, France. He has been honoured for the research project "Revealing the morphology and composition evolution of highly active FePtCu catalyst by aberration corrected STEM". (05.2019)
Dr. Vesna Srot

Dr. Vesna Srot

The DAAD project "Microbial symbiosis in animal biomineralization" with the University of Ljubljana will focus on the role of symbiotic bacteria on the calcium phosphate metabolism in crustacean calcium bodies.
Highly Cited Researchers 2018
Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken is on the World's Best List of the most cited scientists for the year 2018 ("Highly Cited Researchers" from Clarivate Analytics). (11.2018) more
Honorary Professorship

Honorary Professorship

The Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, appointed Professor Dr. Peter A. van Aken as an Honorary Professor for the period 2018–2023. (11.2018)
Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken
The European Commission awards a Horizon H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 grant to Peter A. van Aken as a principle investigator and as the coordinator of the project "ESTEEM3 - Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy". (09.2018) more
ERC Starting Grant 2018
We are proud to announce that Dr. Nahid Talebi Savari and Dr. Timonthy Pennycook of the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy have been awarded ERC Starting Grant 2018. Titel of their projects are: "Quantum Coherent Control: Self-Interference of Electron Beams with Nanostructures" and "High Definition Electron Microscopy: Greater clarity via multidimensionality". (07.2018) more
New PhD

New PhD

Congratulations to Surong Guo for obtaining the title Dr. rer. nat. with distinction!
2018 Albert Crewe Award
We are proud to announce that Dr. Timothy J. Pennycook of the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been awarded the Microscopy Society of America's Albert Crewe Award for 2018. The award recognizes annually the distinguished contributions to the field of microscopy and microanalysis in the physical sciences of an early career scientist of not more than 6 years' standing since doctoral graduation.
JEOL NEWS Magazine Cover

JEOL NEWS Magazine Cover

We are pleased to announce that Y. Eren Suyolcu’s recent invited review paper, "Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of La2CuO4-based Superconducting Interfaces at the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy" has been selected as a cover of the volume 53 of JEOL NEWS Magazine (July 2018).
Advanced Materials Interfaces frontispiece cover

Advanced Materials Interfaces frontispiece cover

We are pleased to announce that Y. Eren Suyolcu’s recent paper, "Octahedral Distortions at High‐Temperature Superconducting La2CuO4 Interfaces: Visualizing Jahn–Teller Effects" has been selected as a frontispiece cover of the volume 4 (24) of Advanced Materials Interfaces (December 2017).
Poster Prize at MC2017 Lausanne

Poster Prize at MC2017 Lausanne

We are proud to announce that Dr. Yi Wang of the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been awarded the prize for the "best poster" in the materials science catagory at the 2017 Microscopy Conference in Lausanne Switzerland for the work entitled "Oxygen octahedral picker: A dedicated software tool for lattice and oxygen octahedral distortions quantification at perovskite oxide interfaces" with coauthors U. Salzberger, W. Sigle, Y. E. Suyolcu and P. A. van Aken. 

Young Scientist Award - E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting

Young Scientist Award - E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting

We are proud to announce that Mr. Y. Eren Suyolcu, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been awarded the "Young Scientist Award" at the E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting in Strasbourg, France. The prize was awarded for the research project "Dopant Size Effects on Interfacial Superconductivity in Lanthanum Cuprate Bilayers" with co-authors Y. Wang, F. Baiutti, G. Gregori, G. Cristiani, W. Sigle, J. Maier, P.A. van Aken and G. Logvenov.
Student Poster Prize at Nanometa 2017

Student Poster Prize at Nanometa 2017

We are proud to announce that Ms. Surong Guo, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been presented with an "Nanometa Best Poster Award" at the Nanometa Conference 2017 in Seefeld, Austria. The prize was awarded for the research project "Transverse and Longitudinal Resonances in Plasmonic Tapers" with co-authors N. Talebi, W. Sigle, M. Esmann, S.F. Becker, R. Vogelgesang, C. Lienau, G. Richter and P.A. van Aken.
Cover figure for Applied Journal of Physics

Cover figure for Applied Journal of Physics

We are excited to announce that a figure from the paper "Elemental redistributions at structural defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films for solar cells" with Ekin Simsek Sanli, a PhD student at StEM, made it to the cover of "Journal of Applied Physics"(Volume 120 Number 20).    
EMC Award 2016

EMC Award 2016

We are proud to announce that Dr. Vesna Srot, scientist in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy, has been awarded the "Best Micrograph" at the 16th EUROPEAN MICROSCOPY CONGRESS, September 2016 in Lyon, France.The prize was awarded for the best micrograph in the "Photonic Techniques" category.
Cover Figure for Ultramicroscopy

Cover Figure for Ultramicroscopy

We are pleased to note that a figure from Dr. Yi Wang's recent paper, Oxygen octahedra picker: a Software tool to extract quantitative Information from STEM Images', was selected for the cover of the September 2016 volume(168) of Ultramicroscopy.
Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung Seminar Poster Prize

Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung Seminar Poster Prize

We are proud to announce that Dr. Nahid Talebi, scientist in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy, has been awarded the "Best Poster Prize" at the 620th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Interaction of shaped electron wavefunctions with light and matter, June 2016 in Bad Honnef, DE. The award is sponsored by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung.The prize was awarded for the research project "Slow electron waves interacting with gratings" with co-author P.A. van Aken.
Microscopy and Microanalysis M&M 2016

Microscopy and Microanalysis M&M 2016

We are proud to announce that Mr. Y. Eren Suyolcu, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy, has been awarded a "2016 M&M Student Award" (Presidential Scholar Award) at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Conference 2016 in Columbus, Ohio. The award is sponsored by the Microscopy Society of America and the Microanalysis Society. The prize was awarded for the research project "Linking Dopant Distribution and Interatomic Distortions at La1.6M0.4CuO4/La2CuO4 Superconducting Interfaces" with co-authors Y. Wang, W. Sigle, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov and P.A. van Aken.

M&M 2015 Award

We are proud to announce that Ms. Dan Zhou, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been presented with the "M&M Student Poster Award" at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting 2015 in Portland, OR, USA.

The prize was awarded for the research project "Manganese Segregation at Antiphase Boundaries Connecting ZrO2 Pillars in ZrO2-La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 Pillar-Matrix Structures " with co-authors Wilfried Sigle, Marion Kelsch, Hans Ullrich HaberMeier and Peter A. van Aken.

JEOL ARM TEM 2nd User Meeting

JEOL ARM TEM 2nd User Meeting

The second JEOL ARM TEM User Meeting was held on the 24th and 25th of June at the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy, in Stuttgart, Germany. 50 people attended from across Europe and were happy to also be joined by a user from South Africa and by Dr. Eiji Okunishi from JEOL Japan. The program included talks by users in the UK, France and Germany, and two presentations from JEOL on the latest applications of the monochromated ARM and of low-voltage microscopy. At the end of the presentations on Day 1 there was a ‘Round Table’ discussion, admittedly without the round table, that none-the-less allowed all the users to share questions, stories and tips. The discussion was very lively and very helpful, with a large number of users speaking up and the active participation of JEOL representatives. A summary of the topics discussed, and a ‘wish list’ from the users will be circulated. The final element of the program was demonstrations at the two StEM ARMs by Dr. Okunishi on Day 2. Dr. Okunishi showed the alignment process at 80kV for imaging carbon nanotubes and, on the probe-corrected machine, he showed the Ronchigram and the large flat area achievable with the DCOR (ASCOR) corrector.  There was general agreement that the meeting was useful and that discussions should continue between users through email and the JEOL web-forum and, of course, through the continuation of the user meeting series, so it is great news that several institutions have volunteered to host the third ARM User Meeting in 2016.
Microscopy Conference 2015 Poster Award

Microscopy Conference 2015 Poster Award

We are proud to announce that Ms. Surong Guo, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been presented with an "MC 2015 Best Poster Award" at the Microscopy Conference 2015 in Göttingen, Germany. The prize was awarded for the research project "Investigation of plasmonic modes of gold tapers by EFTEM and EELS" with co-authors N. Talebi, W. Sigle, M. Esmann, S.F. Becker, R. Vogelgesang, C.T. Lienau and P.A. van Aken.

Microscopy Conference 2015 Poster Award

We are proud to announce that Ms. Surong Guo, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been presented with an "MC 2015 Best Poster Award" at the Microscopy Conference 2015 in Göttingen, Germany.

The prize was awarded for the research project "Investigation of plasmonic modes of gold tapers by EFTEM and EELS" with co-authors N. Talebi, W. Sigle, M. Esmann, S.F. Becker, R. Vogelgesang, C.T. Lienau and P.A. van Aken.

E-MRS Award

We are proud to announce that StEM and the Research Department of Prof. Dr. Maier, in cooperation, have been awarded the First Poster Award of the European Materials Research Society.

The prize was awarded for the poster "High-temperature superconductivity at the lanthanum cuprate / lanthanum strontium nickelate interface" at the E-MRS 2015 Spring Meeting.


StEM joins the MPI for Solid State Research

On April 1, 2015 the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy (StEM) formerly of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) moved to the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF). The transfer of the Center, led by Prof. Dr. Peter van Aken, is an outcome of the scientific evolution of MPI-IS and adds great strength to the analytical capabilities of MPI-FKF.

The Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy (StEM) possesses extensive expertise in the field of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Besides conducting its own research, StEM also collaborates with departments in both Stuttgart Max Planck Institutes, as well as with other research institutions and industries.

The new affiliation with MPI-FKF offers exciting opportunities for StEM to build deep collaborations, to extend current research and to expand into new research areas. Research projects at StEM address a wide range of topics, including the characterization of materials for advanced battery and fuel cell designs, the performance of in-depth analyses of tailored complex oxide materials on the path to novel electronics applications, and the imaging of molecules on graphene and of bio-mineralized self-assembled nanostructures. The StEM group has some of the best technology available for studying plasmons, in a wide variety of systems.

StEM is motivated and energized by the new doors opening - the new possibilities arising from the group’s warm welcome into MPI-FKF. This is an exciting time to be a microscopist in Stuttgart.

M&M 2014 Award

We are proud to announce that Ms. Dan Zhou, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been presented with the "M&M Student Award 2014" at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting 2014 in Hartford, USA.

The prize was awarded for the research project "Chemical and Defect Analysis in a ZrO2/LSMO Pillar-Matrix System" with co-authors Wilfried Sigle, Yi Wang, Marion Kelsch, Hans Ullrich HaberMeier and Peter A. van Aken.

M&M 2014 Award

We are proud to announce that Ms. Cigdem Özsoy-Keskinbora, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been presented with the "M&M Best Poster Award 2014" at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting 2014 in Hartford, USA.

The prize was awarded for the research project "Hybridization of Off-Axis and In-line High-Resolution Electron Holography" with co-authors Peter A. van Aken, Chris B. Boothroyd, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski and Christoph T. Koch.

E-MRS Award

We are proud to announce that Ms. Dan Zhou, PhD student in the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy has been presented with the "Young Scientist Award" by the European Materials Research Society.

The prize was awarded for the presentation and research project "Strain and Elemental Analysis of a
La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/ZrO2 System" at the E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting.

E-MRS Award

We are proud to announce that StEM and the Research Department of Prof. Dr. Maier, in cooperation, have been awarded the First Poster Award of the European Materials Research Society.

The prize was awarded for the poster "Strontium delta-doped lanthanum cuprate heterostructures: Cation redistribution and high-temperature superconductivity" at the E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting.

Advanced TEM Sample Preparation (Download)
Stuttgart, December 2nd - December 6th, 2013
Download (pdf)
Yong Qin, Ralf Vogelgesang, Moritz Eßlinger, Wilfried Sigle, Peter van Aken, Oussama Moutanabbir, and Mato Knez: Bottom-Up Tailoring of Plasmonic Nanopeapods Making Use of the Periodical Topography of Carbon Nanocoil Templates. In: Advanced Functional Materials 2012, 22, 5157 - 5165, doi: 10.1002/adfm.201201791 more
Honorary professorship

Honorary professorship

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Port Elizabeth, South Africa, appointed Professor Dr. Peter A. van Aken as an honorary professor for the period 2012 - 2017.

esteem 2 started on October 1st, 2012

The esteem 2 project (enabling science and technology through european electron microscopy) is a project within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission. It integrates European Electron Microscopy laboratories in a range of activities providing a service to materials science and solid state physics. The project involves: Transnational access, Coordination activities and Research activities.

For more information please see

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