Name | Phone | Room | Extras | |
Safari, Arta PhD Student |
| a.safari@... | 5M12 |
Salzberger, Ute Technician |
| u.salzberger@... | 1E15 / 2F12 |
Satheesh, Sayooj PhD Student |
| s.satheesh@... | 5C22 |
Schäfer, Thomas Head of Research Group |
| t.schaefer@... | 7D19 |
Scheibe, Martin | m.scheibe@... |
| ||
Scheid, Anna PhD Student |
| a.scheid@... | 4M23 |
Scheidsteger, Thomas Scientist |
| t.scheidsteger@... | 4M13 |
Schmid, Michael PhD Student |
| m.schmid@... | 7D23 |
Schmid, Stephan Technician |
| s.schmid@... | 3B4 |
Schneider, Christian Scientist |
| c.schneider@... | 6M19 |
Schnyder, Andreas Senior Scientist |
| a.schnyder@... | 5D11 |
Scholle, Robin PhD Student |
| r.scholle@... | 5B4 |
Schraivogel, Thomas PhD Student |
| t.schraivogel@... | 5M12 |
Schreiber, Marie-Luise Technician |
| m.schreiber@... | 2B12 (office) oder 5D10 (lab) |
Schuhmacher, Armin Scientist |
| a.schuhmacher@... | 6A7 |
Schüller-Knapp, Jeanette Secretary |
| j.schueller-knapp@... | 5C4 |
Schulz, Armin Engineer |
| a.schulz@... | 7M25 |
Schulz, Michael Engineer |
| m.schulz@... | 6A9 |
Schulze, Lennart Student |
| l.schulze@... | 3B18 |
Schumacher, Niels Technician |
| n.schumacher@... | 4D17 |
Schwarz, Kersten Technician |
| k.schwarz@... | 4D23 |
Schweizer, Florian |
| f.schweizer@... | 2W08/PL-Box4 |
Seiffert, Sabine | s.seiffert@... |
| ||
Sekine, Takahiko Scientist |
| t.sekine@... | 4A7 |
Seraphim, Sydney Trainee | s.seraphim@... |
| ||
Shabestari, Parmida PhD Student |
| p.shabestari@... | 7M23 |
Shatla, Hassan |
| h.shatla@... |
| |
Sheng, Shaoxiang Scientist |
| s.sheng@... | 2W46/Box 02 |
Shevchenko, Artem PhD Student |
| a.shevchenko@... | 5A15 |
Shevtsova, Olga |
| o.shevtsova@... |
| |
Shi, Xiao Tong Student |
| xtshi@... | 7A5 |
Simon, Arndt Director (em.) |
| a.simon@... | 6A17 |
Simula, Kristoffer Scientist |
| k.simula@... | 5M8 |
Singha, Aparajita Senior Scientist |
| a.singha@... | 6C24 |
Sinisi, Julia | j.sinisi@... |
| ||
Sleptsova, Anastasiia PhD Student |
| a.sleptsova@... | 5A15 |
Smet, Jurgen Head of Research Group |
| j.smet@... | 2W44 |
Song, Maru PhD Student |
| m.song@... | 6C4 |
Sorg, Armin Engineer |
| a.sorg@... | 7B20 |
Sosa Lizama, Pablo PhD Student |
| p.sosa-lizama@... | 4H04 |
Specht, Peter Technician |
| p.specht@... | 3M10 |
Srot, Vesna Senior Scientist |
| v.srot@... | 4M21 |
Research topics:
Biological and
bioinspired materials: Sample preparation of hybrid
organic-inorganic biological and bio-inspired materials and advanced imaging
and analytical (S)TEM characterization
In-situ (S)TEM:
Method development for MEMS-based in-situ sample preparation and (S)TEM
investigations of functional materials by in-situ electrical-biasing and
electro-thermal experiments
of High-Quality Samples for MEMS-Based In-Situ (S)TEM Experiments"
highlighted on LinkedIn
Protochips Webinar Series
"Sample Preparation in In Situ TEM"
Presentation of new FIB-based
methodology for the preparation of high-quality MEMS based samples for in-situ
(S)TEM experiments.
Please see recording here:
Srpak, Ilija PhD Student |
| i.srpak@... | 6D11 |
Stapf, Maurin Technician |
| m.stapf@... | 5M4 |
Starke, Ulrich Head of Scientific Facility |
| u.starke@... | 3D19 |
Steffens, Sabrina PhD Student | s.steffens@... |
| ||
Stiepany, Wolfgang |
| w.stiepany@... | 7C4 |
Stuhlhofer, Benjamin Technician |
| b.stuhlhofer@... | 3M8 |
Stuhlhofer, Yvonne Technician |
| y.stuhlhofer@... | 3B4 |
Suen, Cissy Student |
| c.suen@... | 7D13 |