Seminars 2013

10. Dec. 2013
Igor Gornyi, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Interactions and multifractality

4. Dec. 2013
Mikhail Skvortsov, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russia
Onset of superconductivity in a mesoscopic voltage-biased NSN junction

21. Nov. 2013
Mathias Kläui, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
New spintronics devices for GreenIT

9. Okt. 2013
Mikhail Titov, Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Giant magnetodrag in graphene

8. Okt. 2013
Simone Hamerla, TU Darmstadt
Dynamics of quenched fermionic systems

16. Sept. 2013
Andreas Bill, California State University Long Beach, U. S. A.
Long Range Triplet Josephson in Tunable Domain Walls

7. Aug. 2013
Jiri Chaloupka, Masaryk University, Czeck Republic
Kitaev-Heisenberg model and spin dynamics in Na2IrO3

6. Aug. 2013
Itamar Kimchi, University of California, Berkeley, U. S. A.
Kitaev-Heisenberg models in three and infinite dimensions

12. Jul. 13
Claudio Giannetti, I.LAMP and University Cattolica del Sacro Guore, Brescia, Italy
Non-equilibrium optical spectroscopy: a new clue to unravel the properties of correlated materials

11. Jul. 13
Kryzstof Wohlfeld, Stanford University, U. S. A.
Beyond strictly 1D: spin-orbital separation in the ladder system CaCu2O3

9. Jul. 13
Johannes Bauer, Harvard University, U. S. A.
Interplay of Kondo screening and superconductivity for magnetic adatoms on surfaces and quantum dot structures

20. Jun. 2013
Masaaki Nakamura, MPI FKF Stuttgart
One-dimensional lattice model with an exact matrix-product ground state describing the Laughlin wave function

19. Jun. 2013
Kurt Scharnberg, Universität Hamburg
d-wave superconductors with finite range impurities of arbitrary strength

6. Jun. 2013
Oleg P. Sushkov, University of New South Wales, Australia
Topological Insulating States in Laterally Patterned Ordinary Semiconductors

3. Jun. 2013
Matthias Vojta, TU Dresden
Dirty magnets: From fractional moments to cluster spin glasses

21. Mai 2013
Maxim Khodas, University of Iowa, U. S. A.
Gap symmetry and Nodal structure of iron-based superconductors

15. Mai 2013
Thilo Kopp, Universität Augsburg
Magnetism and superconductivity of LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interfaces: a theory review

7. Mai 2013
Ivan Dmitriev, MPI FKF Stuttgart
Nonlinear transport in 2D systems with negative conductivity

17. Apr. 2013
Maria Daghofer, IFW Dresden
Z2-vortex phase in the triangular-lattice Kitaev-Heisenberg model

6. Mrz. 2013
Masahisa Tsuchiizu, Nagoya University, Japan
Orbital Nematic Instability in Two-Orbital Hubbard Model: Renormalization-Group + Constrained RPA Analysis

1. Mrz. 2013
Andrea Damascelli, University of British Columbia, Canada
From relativistic Mott Insulators to p-wave superconductors via spin-orbit coupling

20. Feb. 2013
Sam Carr, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Weak localization and magnetoresistance in a two-leg ladder

6. Feb. 2013
Chia-Wei Huang, Bar-Ilan Unversity, Israel
Transport of single and double quantum point contacts in 2D integer and fractional topological insulators

23. Jan. 2013
Fabien Trousselet, Institit Neel, France
Magnetic properties of a strong spin-orbit coupled Mott insulator and effects of vacancies

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