Awards & Honors

Max Planck Institute Researchers Among 2024’s "Highly Cited Researchers"
Three researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research have been included in the prestigious "Highly Cited Researchers 2024" list. more
2025 James C. McGroddy Prize awarded to George Jackeli, Giniyat Khaliullin, and Hidenori Takagi
We are proud to announce that George Jackeli, Giniyat Khaliullin, and Hidenori Takagi, all from the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, have been selected for the American Physical Society’s prestigious 2025 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials.
Kekulé Fellowship awarded to Julia Knapp
We are delighted to announce that Julia Knapp, a PhD student in the Nanochemistry Department, has been awarded the prestigious Kekulé Fellowship for 2024 by the Stiftung Stipendien-Fonds of the Chemical Industry Fund (VCI). She is one of 46 recipients of this highly competitive fellowship. more
Pietro Maria Bonetti honored with Otto Hahn Medal
The Max Planck Society awards Pietro Maria Bonetti for his outstanding achievements for his dissertation. more
ERC Advanced Grant for Bernhard Keimer
Bernhard Keimer, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, has won his second Advanced Grant of the European Research Council for a project that will harness magnetism for electronic devices with greatly reduced power consumption. more
Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier

Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier

was elected by the members of The International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD®) as Chair of the Board of Directors for the period 2024-26 (04.2024)
Photo: Robert E. Dinnebier
Dr. Anna Rosławska

Dr. Anna Rosławska

January 14, 2024
has been accepted into the Emmy Noether Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The research topic is “Investigation of light collection mechanisms in natural and artificial systems with atomic precision”. She will receive about 1.8 million euros to establish her independent research group at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. (01.2024)
Photo: Anna Rosławska more
Professor Kazushi Kanoda

Professor Kazushi Kanoda

December 14, 2023
was granted the prestigious Humboldt Research Award. The topic of his academic project is “Frustration-driven quantum phase transitions”. Professor Kanoda plans to extend his collaboration with Professor Takagi’s department “Quantum Materials” at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF) in Stuttgart and Professor Dressel’s department at the University of Stuttgart to tackle this challenging issue. (12/2023)
Photo: Kazushi Kanoda more
Prof. Dr. Bettina V. Lotsch

Prof. Dr. Bettina V. Lotsch

has received a “Cornell Baker Lecturship 2023”.
“The symposium will be held under the auspices of Cornell University's Baker lectureship, the oldest endowed chemistry lectureship in the United States. Visiting Baker Lecturers have included Linus Pauling, Robert Mulliken, Pierre de Gennes, Henry Taube, and Rudy Marcus. Twenty-one Nobel Prizes have been awarded to Baker Lecturers, most of them subsequent to the presentation of their Cornell lectures. Traditionally, the endowment sponsored one visiting scientist for an extended stay and a series of lectures. In recent years, we have introduced a new format by organizing a yearly multi-speaker symposium, which focuses on a particular active area of chemical research.” (10.2023)
Photo: Friedemann Bayer
ERC Starting Grant 2023 für Prof. Dr. Laura Classen
The European Research Council awards a Starting Grant to Prof. Dr. Laura Classen currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart for the project: "Emergence in quantum materials: from relativistic quantum criticality to non Fermi liquids and superconductivity". The ERC Starting Grants should help excellent younger scientists, who have 2 to 7 years’ experience after their PhDs, to launch their own projects, form their teams and pursue their most promising ideas. (09.2023)
Photo: Uli Benz / TUM more
Dr. Anna Rosławska

Dr. Anna Rosławska

September 04, 2023
is awarded the CZS Nexus Award by the Carl Zeiss Foundation with 1.5 M Euro for “light-harvesting mechanisms probed in natural and artificial systems with atomic precision”. (09.2023)
Photo: Anna Rosławska more
Physik-Studienpreis for Xianzhe Zeng
Xianzhe Zeng has been awarded the Physik-Studienpreis 2023 der Physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. He receives the prize for his MSc thesis entitled "Growth and characterization of CrBrX islands on NbSe2 as a possible candidate for triplet superconductivity. He is currently working on his PhD thesis "Magnetic impurities on superconductors" at the MPI-FKF in the department of Professor Kern. The Physik-Studienpreis der Physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin (PGzB) is awarded annually to outstanding graduates of the Master's degree in physics (formerly Diplom degree) and is sponsored by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. (08/2023)
Photo: Xianzhe Zeng more
Bryan S. Coles Prize for Dr. Hakuto Suzuki
Dr. Hakuto Suzuki has been awarded the Bryan S. Coles Prize at the Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES) in Incheon, Korea, for “the experimental development and creative use of a novel RIXS spectrometer in the tender x-ray region, that opens a new route for the SCES community for impactfully investigating a broad range of correlated electron materials and their physics”.
Hakuto did this work when we was a postdoctoral researcher and Humboldt Fellow in the Solid State Spectroscopy Department. He is currently an assistant profressor at the Tohoku University in Japan. The design and construction of the RIXS spectrometer was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant “Collective models in 4d-electron compounds and heterostructures”. (07/2023)
Photo: Hakuto Suzuki more
Dr. Yu-Mi Wu has won the E-MRS Young Researcher Award.

Dr. Yu-Mi Wu has won the E-MRS Young Researcher Award.

This year's EMRS Spring Meeting in Strasbourg, France, the StEM contribution of Dr. Yu-Mi Wu with the title "Strain-Driven Metal-to-Insulator Transition and Charge Ordering in LiV2O4" won the Young Researcher Award.
E-MRS Young Researcher Awards (YRA) are intended to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current materials research display a high level of excellence and distinction. With these awards, E-MRS seeks to recognize students of exceptional ability who show promise for significant future achievement in materials research. (06/2023)
Photo: Yu-Mi Wu
Dr. Kelvin Anggara receives a HFSP Research Grant 2023.
The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) awards an Early Career Research Grant to Dr. Kelvin Anggara and his collaborator for the project “Decoding the sulfation codes in the glycocalyx”. The HFSP Research Grant (Early Career) aims to encourage scientists in the initial period of their independent careers, to formulate novel and promising research projects. (04/2023)
Photo: Kelvin Anggara more
Anna Scheid
was awarded the Research Award 2023 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy for her master thesis titled "Electron ptychographic phase imaging of all-inorganic halide perovskites (AIHPs) using 4D STEM".
This prize is awarded by the DGE e. V. every two years for outstanding diploma, master or doctoral theses submitted to a German university or college, preferably of a methodological-innovative character in the field of microscopy. (03/2023)
Photo: Anna Scheid more
Nicolas Bonmassar
At this year‘s Microscopy Conference 2023 in Darmstadt, Germany, the StEM contribution of Nicolas Bonmassar with the title "Depicting atomic-resolution orbital occupation in hole doped high-Tc superconducting superlattices" won the best poster prize within its category. (03/2023)
Photo: Nicolas Bonmassar
Professor Andreas J. Heinrich,
Director of the Center of Quantum Nanoscience at the Institute for Basic Science in Seoul, South Korea, has received a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. (02/2023)
Photo: Andreas J. Heinrich more
Dr. Manish Garg
has been awarded the Rudolf Kaiser Prize 2022 – one of the most prestigious German prizes for young scientists in the field of physics – for ‘‘the development of a quantum microscope, which enables probing of electronic and atomic dynamics in matter at fundamental space-time limits’’. (02/2023)
Photo: Manish Garg more
ERC Starting Grant 2022
The European Research Council awards a Starting Grant to Dr. Kelvin Anggara currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart for the project: "Imaging Single Glycoconjugates". The ERC Starting Grants should help excellent younger scientists, who have 2 to 7 years’ experience after their PhDs, to launch their own projects, form their teams and pursue their most promising ideas. (11.2022)
Photo: Kelvin Anggara more
Prof. Dr. Bettina V. Lotsch

Prof. Dr. Bettina V. Lotsch

will deliver the Sheikh Saqr Materials Lecture 2022 at the "International Winter School 2022 On Frontiers In Materials Science" (December 5-9, 2022, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru, India).
Die Sheikh Saqr Materials Lecture is a special annual lecture series supported by the International Centre For Materials Science (ICMS) and the Ras Al Khamiah Center for Advanced Materials (RAK-CAM), and is named for H. H. Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi, United Arab Emirates Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah. (11.2022)
Photo: Friedemann Bayer
Dr. Manish Garg
received the Max Auwärter Award 2022 from the Austrian Physical Society.
“The Max Auwärter Award for students and young researchers is awarded every two years by the Max Auwärter Foundation, Balzers, Liechtenstein. It is aimed at scientists who have published important work in the field of surface physics, surface chemistry or organic and inorganic thin films.” (Max Auwärter Stiftung) (10.2022)
Photo: Manish Garg more
Awards for the StEM participation at the M&M Meeting 2022
Nicolas Bonmassar, won the M&M Student Award 2022 for his contribution "Emergent Interfacial Magnetism in Superconducting Cuprate-Manganate Superlattices" and Yu-Mi Wu, won the Best Poster Prize for her poster "Charge Distribution Control with Atomic Resolution via Strain Engineering in Oxide Heterostructures", which was created in collaboration with Department Keimer. (09.2022)
Photo: Nicola Bonmassar, Yu-Mi Wu more
Dr. Aparajita Singha

Dr. Aparajita Singha

August 05, 2022
has been accepted into the Emmy Noether Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG). She will receive about two million euros to establish her independent research group at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. (08.2022)
Photo: Aparajita Singha more
Dr. Sajna Hameed
received the 2022 Prize for Outstanding Student Research from the Neutron Scattering Society of America "for the elucidation of magnetism and plastic deformation effects in perovskite titanates". (05.2022)
Photo: Sajna Hameed more
Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

was elected by the members of the German Electron Microscopy Society (DGE) as President for the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. (03.2022)
Photo: Peter A. van Aken
Dr. Aparajita Singha

Dr. Aparajita Singha

February 17, 2022
is awarded the CZS Nexus Award by the Carl Zeiss Foundation with 1.5 M Euro for initiating dedicated research based on Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in diamond. (02.2022)
Photo: Aparajita Singha more
Dr. Simon Krause

Dr. Simon Krause

February 17, 2022
is awarded the CZS Nexus Award by the Carl Zeiss Foundation with 1.5 M Euro in funding for interdisciplinary research on dynamic framework materials. (02.2022)
Photo: Simon Krause more
Dr. Kelvin Anggara

Dr. Kelvin Anggara

receives the Karl Freudenberg Prize 2022 from the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften for his work "Identifying the Origin of Local Flexibility in a Carbonhydrate Polymer". (02.2022)
Photo: Kelvin Anggara
Niclas Heinsdorf
has received the Wissenschaftspreis des Physikalischen Vereins for his master thesis "Topology of Magnetic Materials". This prize is awarded for outstanding theses from all physics disciplines at Goethe University (Frankfurt a. M.). (01.2022)
Photo: Niclas Heinsdorf more
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Prize

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Prize

January 14, 2022
Professor Bernhard Keimer, Professor Giacomo Ghiringhelli and Professor Pengcheng Dai will share the 2022 Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes Prize "for experiments determining spin and charge correlations in high temperature superconductors using x-ray and neutron scattering". (01.2022)
Photo: Bernhard Keimer more
Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award for new quantum material
The Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2021 goes to Pablo Jarillo-Herrero for his work on two-dimensional quantum materials. (09.2021)
Photo: Courtesy of MIT Physics; Reed Hutchinson / UCLA; Microsoft more
Dr. Prosper Ngabonziza
was appointed to the 2021/2022 Global Young Academy Executive Committee. (06.2021)
Photo: Prosper Ngabonziza more
Professor William Chueh

Professor William Chueh

was awarded a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award. He is an internationally leading scientist in the field of solid state electrochemistry and a key figure in energy research. His major achievements are in the important and timely fields of fuel cell research, battery research and catalysis. Notwithstanding the proximity to applications, his research is driven by a profound understanding of basic science. (05.2021)
Photo: William Chueh
Professor Klaus v. Klitzing

Professor Klaus v. Klitzing

With the international system of units (SI units) based on natural constants, introduced worldwide on May 20, 2019, the quantum Hall effect is used for the primary realization of the SI unit OHM. Since 1988 Professor Klaus von Klitzing has been involved in setting up corresponding experiments at the National Physics Laboratory India. He has been appointed Honorary Fellow of the Metrology Society of India on the occasion of the anniversary celebrations of the foundation of this metrology institute 75 years ago. (04.2021)
Photo: C.-M. Müller
Professor Ali Alavi
The 2021 KS Pitzer Memorial Lecture at the University of California, Berkeley, has been delivered by Ali Alavi. His lecture entitled "A Blast from the Past" describes the work of his department on using the FCIQMC technique to revive the Unitary Group Approach and Transcorrelation, both powerful formalisms of quantum chemistry which had been developed in the 1970s but largely abandoned due to enormous technical difficulties in their implementation. Ali says that the amazing advances made by his group has revitalised some old but extremely powerful ideas in quantum chemistry, and we are using them to crack some old chestnuts, including the mysteries in the electronic structure of complex biological catalysts such as Fe-S complexes. (04.2021)
Photo: Friedemann Bayer more
Professoer Bettina V. Lotsch
is the recipient of the 19th CNR Rao Award Lecture, awarded by the Chemical Research Society of India. The lecture will be given during the 27th CRSI-NSC National Symposium in Chemistry, July 16-19, 2021, Kolkata, India. (04.2021)
Photo: Friedemann Bayer more
Dr. Hun-ho Kim
wins the Springer Thesis Award. His doctoral dissertation "Uniaxial pressure study of charge density waves in a high-Tc cuprate superconductor" was selected for the Springer Thesis Award, which implies publication in book form in the Springer Theses series. Hun-ho Kim had graduated with distinction from the University of Stuttgart in 2020. (03.2021)
Photo: Hun-ho Kim more
Professor Roberto Cingolani
is Italy's new Minister for Ecological Transition.
From 1989 to 1991 Roberto Cingolani was a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in the department of Klaus v. Klitzing. (02.2021)
Photo: Niccolò Caranti more
Dr. Thomas Keller
was elected to the "Committee for Neutrons" The Committee Research with Neutrons is an elected body which represents the insterest of neutron users in Germany to politics and facilities. (12.2020) more
Dr. Martin Bluschke
was awarded the Ernst Eckhard Koch Prize 2020 of the HZB for his doctoral thesis "Resonant x ray scattering studies of collective electronic states in cuprates and nickelates controlled by isovalent chemical substitution and epitaxial integration".
Photo: Martin Bluschke more
Dr. Filip Podjaski
was awarded the Professor René Wasserman Award 2020 for his Ph.D. thesis "Investigations into Nanostructured Materials for Water Splitting and Direct Solar Energy Harvesting".
Photo: Filip Podjaski more
Professor Bernhard Keimer

Professor Bernhard Keimer

was appointed Adjunct Professor at the Physics and Astronomy department at The University of Britsh Columbia. (19.2020)
Photo: Bernhard Keimer
Dr. Jurgen Smet
has been awarded the 2020 EPS Edison Volta Prize for outstanding achievements in physics, together with Klaus Ensslin and Dieter Weiss. (06.2020)
Photo: Jurgen Smet more
Prof. Dr. Jörg Wrachtrup
has been awarded the 2020 EPS Condensed Matter Division Europhysics Prize for his pioneering studies on quantum coherence in solid-state systems, and their applications for sensing, and, in particular, for major breakthroughs in the study of the optical and spin properties of nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond. (06.2020)
Photo: Jörg Wrachtrup more
Professor Hidenori Takagi
was awarded the Eugen and Ilse Seibold Prize of the German Research Foundation.
This prize is awarded to Japanese and German researchers in recognition of their exceptional contribution towards advancing understanding between the two countries. (05.2020)
Photo: Friedemann Bayer more
Dr. Prosper Ngabonziza

Dr. Prosper Ngabonziza

has been selected for a membership in the Global Young Academy for a period of 5 years beginning in June 2020, based on his distinguished qualifications and commitment to service to society. (03.2020)
Photo: Prosper Ngabonziza
Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier

Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier

was awarded the Will-Kleber-Gedenkmünze at the annual meeting of the German Society for Crystallography (DGK) in Wroclav.
The commemorative coin „Will-Kleber-Gedenkmünze“ acknowledges outstanding efforts in crystallography. Prof. Dinnebier was awarded the prize for exceptional achievements in the field of powder diffraction, in research as well as in the further education of young scientists and in the service for the research community. (02.2020)
Photo: Robert E. Dinnebier
Dr. Martin Bluschke
wins Springer Thesis Prize. In December 2019, Martin graduated with distinction from the Technical University of Berlin. The prize he received implies that this doctoral thesis will be published as a book in the Springer Theses series. (01.2020)
Photo: Martin Bluschke more
Dr. Luzia Germann
was awarded from the Swiss Society for Crystallography the SGK-SSCr PhD prize 2019 for her outstanding work entitled "Investigation of Solid State Reactions of Molecular Functional Materials by in situ X-ray Powder diffraction". (08.2019)
Photo: Luzia Germann more
Prof. Dr. Klaus v. Klitzing
was elected to the Orden Pour le mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste. (07.2019) more
Prof. Dr. Martin Jansen
is awarded the Otto-Hahn Prize 2019.The award is jointly sponsored by the city of Frankfurt am Main, the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) and the German Physical Society (DPG).
Photo: Martin Jansen more

Professor Yan Yu

received the NSFC-Prize (National Natural Science Foundation of China). (07.2019)
Dr. Yi Lu
has won the Otto-Hahn-Medal of the Max Planck Society and the Karl-Freudenberg-Prize of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences for his outstanding Ph.D. thesis which combines experimental, analytical, and numerical research on the collective dynamics of quantum materials. (06.2019)
Photo: Yi Lu more
Dr. Prosper Ngabonziza

Dr. Prosper Ngabonziza

has been nominated as a Fellow to the Rwanda Academy of Science. (06.2019)
Photo: Prosper Ngabonziza

Dr. Laifa Shen

received the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) Prize for Electrochemical Materials Science in 2019. (06.2019)
2019 E-MRS Graduate Student Award for Xu Chen (StEM)

2019 E-MRS Graduate Student Award for Xu Chen (StEM)

Xu Chen was awarded with the 2019 "E-MRS Graduate Student Award" at the E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting in Nice, France. He has been honored for the research project "Revealing the morphology and composition evolution of highly active FePtCu catalyst by aberration corrected STEM". (05.2019)
Photo: Xu Chen
Professor Joachim Maier

Professor Joachim Maier

has been elected Member of Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences. (04.2019)
Photo: Joachim Maier
Dr. Sebastian Bette
The German Society for Crystallography awards the Waltrude and Friedrich Liebau Prize for the Promotion of Interdisciplinarity in Crystallography to Dr. Sebastian Bette for his significant scientific work, combining for mutual benefit modern methods of crystallography, especially of X-ray powder diffraction, with methods of conservation science, in particular tasks of preserving and restoring archaeological, ethnological, artistic and artistic objects. (01.2019)
Photo: Sebastian Bette more
Dr. Eva Benckiser

Dr. Eva Benckiser

received the Walter Schottky Prize 2019 of the German Physical Society for her outstanding contributions to research on complex materials with correlated electrons. By developing x-ray spectroscopic methods she obtained novel insight into the electronic structure of metal-oxide interfaces and created a promising basis for targeted manipulation of their magnetic and transport properties. (11.2018)
Photo: Eva Benckiser
Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

The Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, appointed Professor Dr. Peter A. van Aken as an Honorary Professor for the period 2018–2023. (11.2018)
Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken

The European Commission awards a Horizon H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 grant to Peter A. van Aken as a principle investigator and as the coordinator of the project "ESTEEM3 - Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy". (09.2018)
Photo: Peter A. van Aken
Albert Crewe Award 2018 for Timothy J. Pennycook

Albert Crewe Award 2018 for Timothy J. Pennycook

The Albert Crewe Award annually honors an early career scientist, in the field of physical sciences, for significant contributions in the field of microscopy and microanalysis during the first six years since doctoral graduation. The 2018 Crewe Award winner is: Timothy J. Pennycook, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany.

Timothy Pennycook had insight into the importance of drift and collection angle on the EELS elemental mapping data before even beginning his PhD. He is an innovator who pushes the bounds of what is physically possible with technological development. His work has shed light on the dynamics of materials and was the first to see the dynamics of a chemical reaction in atomic scale detail. (09.2018)
Photo: Timothy J. Pennycook
Prof. Dr. Darrell Galen Schlom

Prof. Dr. Darrell Galen Schlom

was awarded a Humboldt Research Award.

Professor Schlom comes from Cornell University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, USA and works in the field of "Production and Properties of Functional Materials". He will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Jochen Mannhart (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany). (09.2018)
Photo: Darrell Galen Schlom
Dr. Sebastian Bette

Dr. Sebastian Bette

won the "Starck-Dissertation Award". This prestigious prize is conferred for the best dissertation in the year in Germany in the field of Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science. The title is: "Über basische Chloride des Nickel(II) und Magnesiums Strukturen, Phasenbildung und Löslichkeit". (09.2018)
Photo: Sebastian Bette
Dr. Chia-Chin Chen

Dr. Chia-Chin Chen

won the "Starck-Dissertation Award". This prestigious prize is conferred for the best dissertation in the year in Germany in the field of Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science. The title is: "Mass Storage at Heterojunctions: Theory, Experimental Evidence, and Electrochemical Applications". (09.2018)
Photo: Chia-Chin Chen
ERC Starting Grant 2018
The European Research Council awards a Starting Grant to Dr. Nahid Talebi Savari currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. Titel of the project: "Quantum Coherent Control: Self-Interference of Electron Beams with Nanostructures". (07.2018)
Photo: Nahid Talebi Savari more
ERC Starting Grant 2018
The European Research Council awards a Starting Grant to Dr. Timothy Pennycook currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. Titel of the project: "High Definition Electron Microscopy: Greater clarity via multidimensionality". (07.2018)
Photo: Timothy J. Pennycook more
Dr. phil. Joseph Falson
was awarded a ›Nobel Laureate Fellowship‹ to get an unique insight into the research activities of a Nobel Laureate. (07.2018) more
Dr. rer. nat. Eslam Khalaf
was awarded a Otto Hahn Medal for the theoretical analysis of disorder effects on electronic transport in topological quantum wires. (07.2018) more
Luzia Germann

Luzia Germann

has been awarded a "Margaret C. Etter Student Lecturer Award" 2018 from the American Crystallographic Association (ACA). (07.2018)
Photo: Luzia Germann
Professor Dimas G. de Oteyza

Professor Dimas G. de Oteyza

was awarded with a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award in recognition of his outstanding research record, including cutting-edge achievements with seminal influence on the field of physical chemistry. (11.2017)
Photo: Dimas G. de Oteyza
Bayerischer Ingenieurinnen-Preis
Katrin Fürsich was awarded by the Bavarian Ministry of Science for her outstanding thesis. (10.2017)
Photo: Katrin Fürsich more
Humboldt Research Award for Professor Andrzej M. Oleś
in recognition of his entire achievements in the theoretical physics of condensed matter. (11.2017)
Photo: Andrzej M. Oleś more
Iman Rastegar
His work on exploring oxide heterostructures for electron emission to achieve efficient energy conversion has been honored with the Shoulders-Gray-Spindt Award 2017 at the 30th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference in Regensburg. (07.2017).
Photo: Iman Rastegar more
Young Scientist Award for Y. Eren Suyolcu
Y. Eren Suyolcu was awarded the "Young Scientist Award" at the E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting in Strasbourg, France. The prize was awarded for the research project "Dopant Size Effects on Interfacial Superconductivity in Lanthanum Cuprate Bilayers". (05.2017)
Photo: Y. Eren Suyolcu more
Professor Bettina Lotsch
was awarded with the "EU-40 materials prize" of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). (05.2017)
Photo: Bettina V. Lotsch more

Dr Stephan Rauschenbach

was awarded the 2017 Mattauch–Herzog Prize for Young Researchers by the German Mass Spectrometry Association.
The prize is awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in one of the two main areas of modern mass spectrometry, organic/biochemical analysis, and element and isotope analysis. It is one of the most prestigious and financially attractive prizes in the analytical sciences. (03.2017)

Professor Andrzej M. Oleś

was awarded the „Research Minister’s Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Basic Research in the Technical Sciences”. This Polish prize is awarded every year to one person only and comes with a prize money equivalent to 20,000 €. (12/2016)
Professor Andrzej M. Oleś
Guest professor at the MPI-FKF is awarded with the Marian-Smoluchowski-Emil-Warburg Award 2017 „Für seine Arbeiten über komplexe Ordnungsphänomene in der Festkörperphysik, insbesondere unter Einbeziehung orbitaler Freiheitsgrade des Elektrons.” (11.2016)

Photo: Tomasz Oleś more
Prof Dr Robert E. Dinnebier
The International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) announced Prof. Dr. E. Robert Dinnebier as Director-at-Large (2016-2020). more
Dr Andreas Grüneis
The Max Planck Society and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have appointed seven outstanding scientists as leaders of Max Planck Research Groups and tenure track professors at TUM. Dr Andreas Grüneis was appointed to this "MaxPlanck@TUM" alliance. (10.2016) more

ERC Starting Grant

The European Research Council awards a project grant to Dr Andreas Grüneis currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. Project titel: "Towards chemical accuracy in computational materials science". (08.2016)
Student Award for Y. Eren Suyolcu
Y. Eren Suyolcu was awarded a "Student Award" (Presidential Scholar Award) at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Conference 2016 in Columbus, Ohio. The prize was awarded for the research project "Linking Dopant Distribution and Interatomic Distortions at La1.6M0.4CuO4/La2CuO4 Superconducting Interfaces". (07.2016) more

Dr Christoph Große

received a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. Academic host: Prof. Jeremy Baumberg, University of Cambridge. (06.2016)
Otto Hahn Medal
Dr Christoph Große was awarded with an Otto Hahn medal. (06.2016) more
ERC Consolidator Grant
The European Research Council awards a project grant to Dr Christian R. Ast currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. (04.2016) more
ERC Advanced Grant
The European Research Council awards a project grant to Professor Bernhard Keimer. (07.2015) more
Otto Hahn Medals
Dr Benedikt Frieß and Dr Tomce Runčevski were awarded with an
Otto Hahn medal. (06.2015) more
Fellow of the Royal Society