
On a regular base, a two-semester lecture on Semiconductor Physics is given by Jürgen Weis at the University of Stuttgart. [more]



Single-electron devices (pdf)
J. Weis
CFN Lectures on Functional Nanostructures 1, 658 (2005)

Electrical Transport Through Quantum Dot Systems (pdf)
Jürgen Weis, Habilitation Thesis, Universität Stuttgart (2002)

25 Jahre Quanten-Hall-Effekt (pdf)
K. von Klitzing, R. Gerhardts, J. Weis
Physik Journal 4 (6), 27 (2005)

Metrology and microscopic picture of the integer quantum Hall effect
J. Weis, K. von Klitzing
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369, 3954 (2011)

Current distribution and Hall potential landscape towards breakdown of the quantum Hall effect:
a scanning force microscopy investigation

K. Panos, R.R. Gerhardts, J. Weis, K. von Klitzing
New Journal of Physics 16, 113071 (2014)

P. Haremski, M. Mausser, A. Gauß, K. von Klitzing, J. Weis
Physical Review B 102, 205306 (2020)

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