On a regular base, a two-semester lecture on Semiconductor Physics is given by Jürgen Weis at the University of Stuttgart. [more]
Single-electron devices (pdf)
J. Weis
CFN Lectures on Functional Nanostructures 1, 658 (2005)
Electrical Transport Through Quantum Dot Systems (pdf)
Jürgen Weis, Habilitation Thesis, Universität Stuttgart (2002)
25 Jahre Quanten-Hall-Effekt (pdf)
K. von Klitzing, R. Gerhardts, J. Weis
Physik Journal 4 (6), 27 (2005)
Metrology and microscopic picture of the integer quantum Hall effect
J. Weis, K. von Klitzing
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369, 3954 (2011)
Current distribution and Hall potential landscape towards breakdown of the quantum Hall effect:
a scanning force microscopy investigation
K. Panos, R.R. Gerhardts, J. Weis, K. von Klitzing
New Journal of Physics 16, 113071 (2014)